False Vision Experience. Attack Of A Fallen Angel As Explained By Paradox Brown In Her Book, The Bible, Physics And The Abilities Of Fallen Angels. The Captions Have Been Added By Myself.
Once I had been told that Mackenzie was in fact a genie/ jinn/ demon invader, I kept switching between the belief, that he was the spirit of a man and something else entirely, with a growing sense of amnesia between the two beliefs held simultaneously. I then looked up the word 'spirit attachment' on the internet, to see what to do. I felt sorry for Mackenzie. I wanted to help him, but I didn't know how to do it. I didn't think that ghosts (spirits) did that kind of thing, [that being, to attach themselves to strangers] and I had never read about it anywhere. I was still very suprised that he had followed me at all, firstly out of Greyfriars Kirkyard, then across Scotland, then, back to Australia!
I emailed an online friend, Bruce Duensing, with my concerns and expressing my distress. Bruce kept a fascinating blog titled, 'Intangible Materiality', in which he wrote about all kinds of spiritual and paranormal experiences. Like him, I had also considerd myself a 'theorist on consciousness' and so it felt right to get Bruce's take on the situation, that had now turned serious, as it continued to grow out of my control. Oddly, Bruce emailed right back, with a warning, that something was approaching me and to not go anywhere near it. He saw a bald man with a goatee, whom he likened to a magician. I then remembered a very old poem of mine titled, 'Carla Comes Home' and was amazed how Bruce could know this, since he was living in the USA. He was obviously a medium to these forces as well.

Illustration Of Alice Meeting The Cheshire Cat From Lewis Carroll's, Alice In Wonderland.
[Update 2014: Looking back on what I wrote to Bruce, while I was still in a state of confusion at the time, I was clearly picking up on two seperate and distinct personalities or presences in the spirit. One of these was the demon who called himself Mackenzie Knight. The other one was clever enough to remain concealed, until revealed by holy angels of God and The Holy Spirit as The Dragon [a fallen angel]. The Dragon presented as himself and would also mimic Mackenzie Knight when it suited him.]

Jonathan Harker [Keano Reeves] Oppressed By Vampires [Demonic Entities Incubus/ Succubus] In The Movie, Dracula.

I wrote the following in my journal: "... I believed that he was a man, a being, or consciousness, who was highly intelligent, emotionally volatile, sensitive, angry, vengeful, suffering and in need of love. Whereas Mackenzie saw himself as Mackenzie Knight, The Black Knight and The Catman. He also presented to Bruce as The Magician. Whatever the case, he is conscious, and no matter what has happened in the past, the present or the future, this being, or the Mackenzie who presents himself as half man and half cat, is worthy of God's love. For as Mathew [a spiritualist minister and tutor from The Arthur Findlay College] had said, "you're good enough for God, then you're good enough for anybody ... Therefore, it is with a sense of lingering sadness that I complete this entry and continue to mourn for all the sadness that has touched Greyfriars, and that it will be continue to be recognised by tour groups passing through. We need never give up on the dead, for I believe they have the chance to love like we do and to find peace and happiness. So next time you are in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, acknowledge them, tell them, "I am sorry for your suffering and God loves you." Say to Mackenzie and all who live there, "You are beautiful ..." At the time of writing this, I had meant well, but it only seemed to excite him, into a malevolent frenzie.

False Vision Experience Combined With Some Degree Of Physical Manifestation. Attack Of A Fallen Angel As Explained By Paradox Brown In Her Book, The Bible, Physics And The Abilities Of Fallen Angels. The Captions Have Been Added By Myself. |