Christopher The Black Magician Was No Childhood Friend And While An Enigma, He Was Far From Imaginary.
Bruce had picked up on something from my early childhood, and after seeing the word [CARLA] on a car plate, I was led back to a poem I had written in my early twenties titled, 'Carla Comes Home'. I was suprised to note the mention of demons several times throughout the poem, because I had no interest or belief in them. I was not the kind of child to have read about imaginary beings, having had access to very few books. This was a channelled poem, which meant that there was a mind behind the words, aside from my own, a mind, who, had dictated the contents of the poem.
it was a sinister day when carla decided to come
home/ she told them she had journeyed across the
black depths of the river styx/ in order to reach
the front door of the house/
the house where she
lived/ the house which she had fled from five weeks
before/ & how now she twitched like a corpse as
the house's atmosphere corrupted her/
carla took a
deep tired breath/ she entered the front door of
her apocalypse/ the hallway cold & gripping her/
there was no one left to accompany her/
she stepped
into a dark mirror from which she thought she had
escaped/ but instead she came face to face with the
house/ immediately her skin became darker/
she smelt
the demons living in the furniture/ demons have a
certain odour/ inky black & salty like deep sea
water/ yet the atmosphere in which they linger is
huge & dry with their laughter/
carla hadn't come
home in a hurry/ she wished her family was there
to help her/ but they only seemed to smother her/
family demons in the family furniture/
in the living
room she said/ alright i've come home/ you should be
dead/ the demons shrieked/ the bedroom door creaked
to the left/ but carla said/ this is my house/ the
spell you cast has been broken/
carla stood her
ground before the huge house demon/ suddenly she
felt forsaken/ in the bedroom doorway stood her
lover/ christopher the black magician/ his oily
black hair swept over his forehead/
his psychic eye
covered in hair/ he had grown sideburns & a goatee
beard/ i am magician, he was saying to her/ i will
perform magic/ how romantic she thought/ keeping her
distance from him/ she had been tricked before/
he performed the magic/ see one flat hand, he said/
now see it become a fist/ see this other flat hand,
he said/ now see it become another fist/ now you
see carla's well formed face/ now you don't/
suddenly he jumped out from the doorway/ pursuing
carla down the hallway/ twelve coloured hoops
balanced on his shoulders/ a black cube dropped
from his cloak/ onto the pathway leading from the
house/ & its lid fell off exuding laughter/ rabbits,
coloured scarves & white doves/
carla rushed out
onto the street/ slamming shut the gate of the apocalypse
behind her/ she left the madness which she had faced/
she left the magician back in the mirror from which
she had escaped/ she left the pair of frustrated
fists twitching by the front gate/
he does not love
me for who i am/ she thought/ this is not the dream
house i dreamt of at all/ carla had been running
away for most of her life & had never looked to see
who was chasing her/ she had never seen a man so
full of hatred & bad tricks before/
once she had
found out that it was her lover the magician/ she
reached in & pulled herself out of his black house/
put on her best black hat/ her neat black expression
& went bounding off down the street to bliss with
all the white rabbits
I immediately started to receive messages regarding Christopher, incorporated into the many synchronicities that I was still experiencing, on a moment to moment basis and in rapid succession, but I was not to find out the true identity of Christopher The Black Magician, until almost 4 years after my correspondance with my friend Bruce.
The Black Worldly Magic Of Inspired Creativity
[Update 2016: Christopher 'The Black Magician' was one of the identities that The Dragon was to assume during my early childhood. Fallen angels and/ or demons will self represent in creative arts, using artists and writers as human channelers, or physical conduits to work through, in order to respresent them and to promote their worldly agenda. Each fallen angel is an individual, created by God and so they have individual personalities and character traits just as we do. The Dragon seemed obsessed with labelling himself as something and then labelling me as something and then placing us in relationship to each other, through this process. A few examples of this are; CARLA AND CHRISTOPHER 'THE BLACK MAGICIAN', LITTLE MISS NAUGHTY AND MR STRONG, ADONIS AND COCO. He would also include duos from certain kinds of movies such as Cathy and Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights), Rothbart and Odette (Swan Lake) and finally Christine and Erik (Phantom of the Opera), which he appears to have settled on, obviously feeling that it most represented who he was as a human.

Another Sign With A Two Way Meaning At The Rapid Creek Shopping Centre In Rapid Creek, Darwin.
The danger of watching movies, (designed by fallen angels to move your thinking in a certain direction), is that you will be exposed to fallen angel propaganda, that will be ultimately detrimental to your spirit and your personal relationship to God Almighty, who is the God of The Holy Bible and the creator of the universe. Movie houses, theatres, art galleries, concert halls and dance spaces, are designed to mesmerise and then to indoctrinate, under the guise of creative freedom and personal education. You will notice how these physical environments, place the person in the dark, in order to focus their attention on the worldly propaganda being promoted or stage lit before them. Yet Satan wasn't just content with bringing this form of programming to social arena. He wanted it in the home of every individual on earth, in the form of the television set (tell-a-vision) set, that indoctrinates the individual exposed to it, with a series of 'programs' as part of the mind control, that Satan and his legions of fallen angels have over humanity at present. “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” [Revelation 12:9, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Now, many people can carry their own mind control 'programming' with them, virtually anywhere they go, as fallen angel technology, moves to captivate, ensnare and deceive the world's population, on a massive scale. Satan knows that his time is short and so he is making an all out attempt, to take as many souls with him, to Hell, as he can, as an expression of his utter contempt towards God and humans, who were made by God, in His own image. “Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.” [Revelation 12:12, The Holy Bible, KJV] Satan's technology is designed for self hypnosis and engrandisment [social media selfies/ self promotion] and self preservation [transhumanism/ genetic engineering] in this life, while damning them to Hell, in the greater life to come.

Christopher 'The Black Magician', Was One Of The Dragon's Identities, Used During My Early Childhood.
There is no truth to be found in these creative spaces. The only truth is in God's Word and the words of Jesus Christ in The Holy Bible. The Dragon was able to assume many identities and become a living force in my life, exerting his will over my own, when I exposed myself to movies, paintings, music, plays, sculpture, musicals, concerts and of course, literature, outside of God's Word. He not only had me exposed to them, from a very early age, as part of my MK Ultra programming, but The Dragon was to utilise me, as his personal creative conduit, where I wrote about worldly concerns, placing my misguided faith in humanism, morality, ethics and finally, as my thinking grew more accustomed to darkness, the world became increasingly holy and the forests of faeries, grew ever brighter, within my own art. The Dragon organised my first artistic residency in Ireland (where unbeknowns to myself at the time, there were important ancestral/ spiritual links), where I was to write a book about him and our mutual obsession with each other titled, Sleep With An Angel. The Dragon's favourite work though, appeared to be a book in progress titled, Holy City, where he was getting me to write about the love between us, in the language of astro physics.
At first it had both amazed and shocked me, that The Dragon & Co, appeared to know all the songs, movies, stories, books, paintings and languages of the earth. Nevertheless, The Word of God, can cut through all the vain imaginings, of this perishing prison planet, in an instant. Without the ongoing assistance of The Holy Spirit, I would still be on my path of worldly imaginings and demonic enchantment, going ever deeper into a darkening wood, that appeared to become ever brighter and even more beautiful, the closer I wandered, towards my own eternal destruction.
It's all about mind control and deception, that will result in the majority of human beings on this planet, being lost forever. That is, unless God Almighty, personally reveals himself to them, just as he did to me, back in late 2009, giving them a way out, through his grace and mercy and a permanent place [a home], in the Kingdom of Heaven, that has been prepared for His people, under His beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. “In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” [John 14:2, The Holy Bible, KJV]].

The Dragon Knew That I Had Never Left Him, But Was Enraged By My Interaction With Mackenzie At Greyfriars. |