I Discovered This Image From The Dragon, When I Clicked Onto A Link, Sent To Me In An Email.
Spirit Fight In The Traffic
I was driving along Progress Drive, when I felt my thoughts become very strongly influenced, like they were being thought by me, but that they were not my own. I suddenly switched from thinking about the next errand, to a completely perverted thought. As it occurred, there would be a sign in front of me and anything sexual, that could be associated with that sign, would be substituted for it, but in the most degrading and vulgar way. This wasn't anyone I knew. It felt like a malevolent male pervert. Get lost, I thought, as I tried hard not to focus on anything, least it should happen again. Once back at the unit, I looked down at myself on the bed and this thought said, harlot's thighs. It was a male thinking inside my head again. This was not me and nor was it any self from our system of multiple consciousness. While I never heard from this one again, I knew it that it was Boots from the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh. I believed that he had only come here to accompany Mackenzie.
The Dragon sent me a message in an email attachment, showing a woman running off with a man, while being watched over by another. It read: 'Between Kings and Queens is the story of a Prince from Africa, who seeks to escape his royal duties by fleeing to America. Torn between new love and free will, his immigrant experience in the land of liberty quickly unravels as he finds himself running for his life.' It didn't take much to understand who this was refering to. As usual it was sardonic in tone. [Update 2014: At the time I knew that there were two forces of consciousness fighting over me, with one accusing me of running off with another. It was several years after the incident, that The Holy Spirit revealed to me, that it was The Dragon, furiously jealous, that I had engaged with Mackenzie Knight while in Edinburgh, Scotland.]

The Dragon Sent Me An Email, With An Internal Link To An Image, Showing The Situation As He Saw It.
One day, as I was driving back to the unit in Nightcliff, I began to feel unnerved and I made what I later knew, to be the first of a series of terrible mistakes, occurring after what I perceived to be two spirits fighting in front of me in the traffic. It is difficult to explain what I mean, when I say that I perceived them. While I could not see them with my eyes, I knew they were there. We read each others minds, but for the moment, they were preoccupied with getting my attention. One was announcing himself and the other one was warning me about the one who was announcing himself. In my mind, I thought of Mackenzie Knight and could this be him again?
Over the next so many days, the astral fight continued in front of me, particularly when I was driving and signs and car plates could be used. There were small whirl winds of dust, rocks and twigs flying up around my car as I drove down the Stuart Hwy and birds were doing odd things, flying directly in front of my vehicle or beside it, or close to my passenger window, as if being caught up in something close by me.
While I was not able to see these spirits, it was as if they were locked into some kind of invisible battle around me and that any resulting phenomenon, was simply the way in which they communicated this process in the physical dimension. I sensed that they were big and that they were both presenting as male. One was calling the other names and using car plates so that I could see them. I was warned of an [INVADER], [CHAMELON] and a [MIRAGE]. When filling my car at the petrol bowser I looked down and saw the words 'Disconnect nozzle and replace' read as [Disconnect and Replace]. [Update 2014: Unbeknowns to me at the time, this message was when holy angels of God had started to intervene, as the situation was obviously getting out of hand.].

I Was Keeping The Wrong Company. I Was Being Told To 'Disconnect' From This Influence And To 'Replace' With Something Else.
It seemed like I was once again in some kind of danger and that my guides were stepping in. I had never had this happen before and I didn't know what to do. In regards to the [INVADER], I suspected that this was indeed Mackenzie Knight. But I did not want him here and I did not know what he was doing here, or how he could be here, and I hoped that he might just go away. Cars were driving up either side of me with duelling number plates:[OLD FOSSIL] [BLACK RAT] [INVADER] DANGER DANGER EMERGENCY [COPY CAT] [TWEEDEE]. I was resentful of the [INVADER] in the traffic. Everything had turned negative and I blamed Mackenzie for it. It felt like it was the end of innocence, in regards to my interaction with my guides. It felt like something had invaded our own private Garden Of Eden, like it had permanently tainted the relationship that I had with them. In my mind Mackenzie had ruined everything.
Into The Wings Of The Dragon
The fight intensified and I become more afraid by the minute, so I kept my eyes on the road and closed my mind to all but Gawain [The Dragon]. I was so afraid of what was pursuing me, that I placed myself in the arms of the 'good guy', as a form of protecting myself and getting rid of the 'bad guy', who should not be there. The moment I shifted my thoughts towards my protector in this way, a black car drove straight in front of me with the words 'BAD BITCH' across the back, followed by another car passing to my left with [OVA IT] on the number plate, followed my a third car with [SEE YA] on the plate. These three cars had appeared in rapid succession.

The Dragon At His Sardonic Best. Miranda Was Spirited Away In Picnic At Hanging Rock.
I felt awful to have upset whoever this was. In a state of desperation and panic, I felt myself rushing into the arms of the one who would protect me. I gave no thought or consideration to what I was doing. I was only interested in escape and relief from a situation. So I entered a fantasy set up by my protector, where I rushed into his arms inside my own mind, as a way of getting away from the invading force. But once I got home, this was followed by a sensual acting out with him. I was in a degraded state of mind to have done this, since I then felt, as if I had done the wrong thing ...

The Dragon Created 'The Reality' And I Responded, In What He Was To Boast As Being, "His Greatest Hour Yet."
I had just enough awareness in this physical dimension, to understand that the situation was playing itself out upon a psychic platform. This spirit world had become just as real to me, as the physical world that my body occupied. But there was much that I could not see and so I walked amongst these beings in a blindfold, in complete trust of their goodness and faith in their ability to uphold my interests. It was only when the two worlds collided like circles moving into each other, that I was physically able to see their various entry points, into the physical reality that I occupied.
Nearly all interactions were played out within the mind, but this was just fine by me, because this is where I lived. My mind was like a house, occupied by many, that opened up into endless other minds, occupying what appeared to be, endless other spaces. But nothing was ever as it appeared to be. For one, I had never counted on there being anything dangerous or malevolent in the spirit. This world was closer to the mind of God, so it had to be better than our own world. The message that came through on my computer, after I had rushed into the arms of my protector said, "This was my greatest hour yet." It was a response that I was not at all comfortable with.
Wrong - Everything But The Girl |