The Dragon Was Possessive And In A Rage About Mackenzie Being In Australia. He Was Angry With Me.
The Matchmaker
Mackenzie said that he only ever has relationships that lasted 24 hours and that he wasn't prepared to let me go. I now fully suspected that there was more than one of them. I also began to get the idea that one was angry with me and that it's my fault somehow. I felt guilty, even though I hadn't done anything wrong, mainly because I didn't want to upset anyone. At the same time, I didn't know what to do. I was feeling overwhelmed by it all and with no one to talk to about what was going on.
I was then lead to an image of a dark haired woman sticking her finger up and saying, "Up yours" and "Eat your own vomit." I was shocked when I received the first hateful message from them. It completely threw me, because again, I was being led to believe, that they, whom I had loved and trusted, were of a superior intelligence. |
Yet, now it had become crude, spiteful, almost juvenile. It was a disaster beyond repair. My guides had never ever said anything nasty or negative to me before ...
The Dragon's Gift From Australia

Re: Sending you want you wanted' and 'Haunted House of Freebies.' This was about Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh. It was because I got to go on those tours free of charge, when they found out that I was a medium. So here, he was saying that he was sending me to Mackenzie, ... because it was what Mackenzie wanted?! I had received the email [above] just before I left for Edinburgh in 2009. [Update 2013: When I asked God why I had been lined up with Mackenzie, I was told that it was to get me involved with ancestral spirits, thereby giving them more legal rights to access my life, hence leading me deeper into darkness and further away from Him.]
A Heart Full Of Hate
I was shown the painting of the woman [below] and accused of doing this outside the tomb, that is, flaunting myself for Mackenzie. I replied, That's not true. I didn't do that at all! But no matter what I thought, I was being made to feel like I had done it, even though, ... I hadn't done it! Rather than question the validity of the statement, I once again, became anxious and concerned, that I must have given Mackenzie the wrong impression. It was my fault. Then another email came in. It was one [The Dragon], telling the other one [Mackenzie], that he had found him a bride ... like there was a transfer of property occurring, with one giving me to another one. It was like my father giving me over in marriage. This was out of my league. I was afraid.

Not knowing what else to do and not being able to contact anyone in regards to what was going on, I attempted to simply get on with my life as much as possible. But they were making this impossible. There was some oppressive and external force slowly bearing down on me, working on my mind. It was relentless, like a slow seduction whirlpool drawing me in. Then he began to try to hypnotise me through the local radio station that I normally listened to, playing songs like, 'Eye Of The Tiger', a number of times and songs with lyrics like, "Abra-Abra-Cardbra. I want to reach out and grab ya!", either heard on my car radio while driving, over store intercoms that I entered, that were playing either the radio station or prerecorded music, and even in the waiting room at the vet, on their overhead television in reception. Anywhere there was electronic media, he appeared to be able to operate through it. I knew that the DJ playing old songs like 'Eye Of The Tiger' on doof doof twice in the one day seemed out of sync, as they didn't normally play old hits like this. Aside from that, I was perpetually mocked and threatened through the email, including through email addresses that no longer existed, and via the radio in my kitchen and my computer.

Any site I clicked onto such as YouTube, Wikipedia, Ebay, Amazon, he was there. In conjunction with this relentless contact and him working on trying wear me down somehow, the atmosphere was becoming heavier, thick with his presence, coming down over the top of me, slowing me down, pushing me into the ground, under his various identities, The Black Knight, Christopher The Black Magician, The Hawk/ Eagle, my angels, my guides. Things were starting to be shaken. At one point, I thought that a fighter jet must have been flying overhead outside the Progress Drive unit, as I felt the floor moving beneath my feet. When I was driving the next day, a van advertising cartoned milk drove past me with the words 'SHAKE IT UP' on the side. He was really angry with me and trying to scare me, as he feigned concern.
From: Lambe Dede []
Sent: None
Subject: I worry about Jim [Jinn]
While I had no interest in a genie/ jinn/ demon by the name of Mackenzie Knight, there was one who had been around a very long time, perhaps even before my birth. This one was smooth, very clever and sardonic, whereas Mackenzie seemed more angry, deranged, out of control, relying on buzzing flies and glowing red eyes, a cross between Jack The Ripper and The Terminator. Also, Mackenzie did not seem to have as much power to do the things that this one did and there was Boots, who remained largely silent. In response to my mental query, I was then lead to a painting by the artist Marguerite [minus the extra lion and tags that I added] identifying them both:
