Map of Australia With A Disturbing Message That Was Sent To Me On Blank Sheet Attached To An Email.
Nightmare Flights Back To Australia
I caught the train to Glasgow early the next morning. I boarded the plane for the long flight back to Australia on 20th July, 2009 and my Emirates Airline nightmare began all over again. On the way home a series of incidents would occur, where I was allocated inappropriate seating, incorrect meals and where flights were constantly changed, or delayed, in various countries. In Glasgow, I was charged $650.00 to take an extra carry bag onto the plane, while everyone else just walked on with 2-3 bags without a problem. I was told that I had been 'singled out'. As I moved from one terminal to another numerous times over a period of hours in Dubai, the lights at the airport would turn off and alarm systems would go off. I thought that this was funny because I knew that there was a mind behind it. The disruptions to power wherever I went, acting as a distraction to all the ill fortune, that seemed to be hounding me.
Once on board the flight, I was placed next to a couple and immediately broke out in hives all over my body. I thought that they must have had lice, so I had to be moved. Unfortunately, there were no other seats and my legs began to swell and so I had to lay down in a small space in the kitchen on the plane, with my legs up against a door, while the flight staff of Emirates threw rubbish in a bin above my head. I was frozen cold. In Singapore I was told it was just a stop over, but when we got to the country they attempted to make everyone get off the plane for twenty five minutes and go through the entire security process of reboarding again. I refused to do it even when they threatened the police and was the only passanger allowed to stay on the plane.

A Pop Up Ad Online That Seemed To Indicate That Someone Was Travelling With Me.

This Was Confirmed When I Went To Purchase A Book From Amazon.
When I got off at Brisbane Airport in Australia, I was given the wrong information by Emirates staff and ended up at the wrong terminal and missed my flight to Sydney as a result. Then the management at the airport would not take any responsibility and it took hours to sort it out with me paying a fine to get another plane. Then the flight from Brisbane to Sydney, which normally takes an hour, took three hours, as it flew in circles around Sydney Airport to burn off excess fuel before landing. The flight took that long that we were served another meal. My bags were then lost and arrived an hour later. When I got off the plane at Sydney Airport, a taxi driver wearing a turbin attempted to rip myself and another passenger off. When we questioned him on the fare, he began driving in a loop out in the darkness away from the airport, as he shouted at us. I finally had to threaten him with the police, so he would let us out.
My mother, who was to meet me at the airport, then turned up at the wrong terminal in Sydney. When I finally did met with her, it was many hours later. None of this seemed to make any sense because there was just too much going wrong all at once.
A Brief Stop Over In Sydney
I was in Sydney from Tuesday 21st July, 2009 to Saturday 25th July, 2009. The stay did not go very well. It was freezing in my mother's house. It was colder than the air outside. I was so cold that I crawled into bed and never emerged for the week that I was there, except to watch The Phantom of The Opera on Dvd with my mother and to visit the local cemtery where some of my family were now buried. As I lay in the bed with the electric blanket on full, barely able to move, the touch lamp gently dimmed up and down at intervals. I thought, there's defintely angelic energy in this room.
When I was finally able to rouse myself from the jet lag, I thought of everything I had experienced while overseas. I could not wait to get back in over to study at The Arthur Findlay College. I was booked in at the college for the year. When my mother questioned this saying that I never had the money to study there, we had a falling out. We did share one experience late in the afternoon where we visited the local cemetery, placing the candles I had bought in Notre Dame on the graves of my father, nan, pop and the unmarked grave of one my mother's clients, an elderly woman named Lois, whom she had visited as a volunteer, working for the organisation, Catholic Care. |
Portrait Of The Deceased Scottish Lawyer George Mackenzie.
I would only come out at night to go onto the internet and look up things about the deceased lawyer George Mackenzie and to start booking myself back in at The Arthur Findlay College. It felt a little bit creepy to be looking at portraits of the deceased lawyer, George Mackenzie, but for me, there were too many unanswered questions.

While Staying At My Mother's Place In Sydney A Mysterious Leg Had Appeared To Drop From The Curtain. ;)
First Days Back In Darwin
On Sunday 26th July, 2009 I departed Sydney at 8.05AM and arrived in Darwin at 3.45PM. Once back in Darwin, it took a few days for me to settle in and for life to get back to normal. I was still looking to sell the two units owned by The Thylazine Foundation in order to provide a place for my ten cows, my horse Cody and my cat Pushkin, who were still under agreement with Edgar's Mission Animal Sanctuary, who were refusing to take care of them. I was looking for property every day the moment I go back and had come across one in Wattle Flat in New South Wales. But they lost the deal, because they would not drop $5,000.00, which meant I would have had to take out a second loan. Aside from this I was selling on Ebay, cleaning the unit in 91 Progress Drive and chatting to a photographer friend that I had met through RSVP.
I planned to resume all my appointments with Kristin who was my conveyancer, sports massage with Mick Fit and nail infills at Kim's salon at Hibiscus. I was trying to stay positive, since I was very concerned in regards to my animals situation. But I just thought, keep working hard, on finding a suitable property for them and it will all turn out for the best. Unfortunately, it didn't take too long, before some odd things began to happen ... These were small things, nevertheless, they got my attention. Being very aware of the spirit world, I knew when to focus and when not to focus.

The first thing thast happened, was when I was in purchasing some wrapping plastic from Faith, at Pack and Send in Darwin. I was suddenly compelled to look across the road, where I noticed a series of boxes with single eyes staring out at me. I thought, There was that eye thing again, like the eye on the wall, in the Hotel in Glasgow ...

The next thing, was that when I printed a fairy witch print, she came out with multiple facial features. This was the only time this error had ever occurred on any printer I had used. It also reminded me of the eyes and noses that I saw coming towards me, while on the Mediumship And Awareness course at The Arthur Findlay College in Stanstead, England. I now felt 'spooked' when I looked at this image.

I then came across a song on the internet titled, 'Urge For Going' by Joni Mitchell. But instead of coming up with the correct title on the computer, it came up with the words: 'hell - Urge for Going', even though the word 'hell' was not part of the song.
The Green Man
I then began to see green men in the trees outside of the unit in Progress Drive in Nightcliff. I could hardly believe my eyes. This was all a wonder to me, since I now loved fairies and I had purchased a series of green men while in Tintagel in England, in order to incorporate them into my latest artwork. I had marvelled at them in both Rossyln Chapel in Lothian, Scotland and at Notre Dame in Paris, France. Initially, I had wondered what these images of them were doing inside a church. But the green men that were embedded into the stained glass windows, or carved into the stone at both of these places, had seemed to make the overall atmosphere deeper and naturally more deep and mysterious. |
Nevertheless, in my mind, they were only part of celtic myth and legend. Never in my wildest dreams, did I think that I would ever get to see one! The first time I was on the phone with my mother, when some leaves waving around in the centre of a tree, caught my attention, outside the double glass window of the unit. "Hold it," I said to her, "wait just one sec ... there's something going on outside." I got up from the lounge and walked to the window and there it was ... a face in amongst the leaves with the wind blowing around it. I said to my mother, "There's a green man outside."

While The Green Man Was In the Distance I Was Able To Focus In On Him. My Attention Had Been Drawn To Him.

Close Up Of The Green Man In The Distance.
The second time I saw one through my window at my office desk. I got up and walked out onto the verandah and there it was, another face with the wind blowing around, so that the mouth was opening and closing and the head moving around as well, but with the eyes remaining the same. I did not recall seeing that any other leaves in the surrounding foliage were moving. It was only an enchanted wind that turned these leaves into faces. So that's how they do it, I thought. The faries of England had obviously followed me back to Darwin. I liked this and yet it didn't feel quite right.
Everything Suddenly Went Wrong
In my journal I was to describe the week of Monday 31st August through to Thursday 3rd September as "a week of hell." Since within about 48 hours all the plans I had made seemed to collapse like a set of dominoes. The broker who normally dealt with my loans became suddenly incompotent, irritable and said she was unable to assist me. The bank I was with was the only bank that would not give a loan out of every other bank. Then Faith from Pack and Send suddenly went back on an agreement of allowing me to pay for several thousand dollars worth of packing once the units sold.
I saw her face change in front of me on the street, as though something has come over her. These three things put a sudden stop to my idea of moving to Bathurst in New South Wales, in order to purchase a property for my cows and horse, with a new idea of also setting up some kind of spiritualist retreat. While I was upset, I knew that it was my angels at work, since it felt like a physical force thwarting my plans. I said to them, "Okay, there is obviously a good reason for this. Let's go with it then."

Car with 666 on the number plate, in my usual parking space. This happened more than once.
Incident Outside The Post Office
Instead of my usual parking space there was [666]. It was becoming impossible to do anything. What once felt like affirmation from my guides, was now taking on the form of harrassment. As I left the Post Office in Nightcliff two young men who were walking down the footpath towards me, started screaming at me with contorted facial expressions. "You fucking cunt! You fucking stupid cunt!" It was 'fuck this' and 'fuck that' with the most vile and malicious energy directed straight at me. Another woman, who had walked out of the Post Office straight behind me, turned to me saying, "Who are they talking to? Are they talking to you?" "I don't know," I said looking around perplexed, "I don't know who they are." She left quickly and I half backed up towards my car, since as there was no one nearby, there was no one else that they could be talking to but me ... As I drove off I took another look at them and one turned towards me still hissing. This was a rage so murderous, that I felt that they might have torn me apart with their bare hands, had they got a hold of me.
Then my neighbour, who was an atheist, turned up on my doorstep, telling me that she could smell mint and asking me, if I could smell it too? While I couldn't smell it, I immediately recalled the leaflet mentioning ginger and mint back in Greyfriars Kirkyard. He was hypnotising my neighbour. Then as I was unloading some shopping from my car, this guy just opened my front door and walked straight into my loungeroom, where he stood in a daze, not knowing where he was, or what he was doing. As I led him back out, he mumbled about going to an upstairs unit. Perhaps he had made a mistake, since the unit I rented was on the ground floor. I found these small incidents unnerving. It was like people around me were starting to lose it.
SMS-ing The Devil
Aside from all this, the emails had started up again. For a long time I had thought that people were stalking me online and with several people in mind. But one day I was thinking about something and an email came in with a corresponding thought. This stopped me dead in my tracks, the pc talking to me? I didn't believe that this was psychokinesis. Instead, I knew that it was a force of consciousness external to myself. But in this case the person would have had to know what I was doing and thinking. As I didn't see anyone else the room with me, I stared down at the pc screen and thought, Oh My God, I am SMS-ing the devil. The next email then responded with the letters SMS in the subject line. My jaw literally dropped. I dare not think or say another thing. The 'consciousness' told me it was a trick with the neighbour's pc.

George Mackenzie's Cats
Then, while having a bath, a light projection of a cat's face appeared on the wall in front of me. It was very similar to the one of the giant eye and my father's face, that had appeared on the wall of the Newton Hotel in Glasgow. As I walked into the bedroom, I was then shown an image inside my mind, in which I was looking down on myself as a man in period clothing. I immediately knew myself to be back in Edinburgh, walking on an old style carpet and feeding my beloved cats. It was the black and white cat that [I/ he] was particularly fond of. This was obviously George Mackenzie attempting to set up some kind of dialogue with me. I communicated back to him telepathically, I know what it's like to love your cats, as I had two dogs that I very much loved. But I still didn't know what to do. This was all a completely new experience for me. Furthermore, I now seemed to be half in and half out of some kind of mental haze, that felt like an enchantment had come down over the place.
Apollo and Daphne
Around the same time that the emails had started up again, I was being lead to, shown, given and emailed artwork of Apollo and Daphne. I then looked up the myth which was about a god in pursuit of a woman who did not want him. I found this very disturbing, so much so, that when the photographer that I had been chatting to, then emailed me a sculpture of the same thing saying, 'how much he loved the piece', I promptly cut contact with him, thinking, Is this what he was all about? Did he get off on stalking women who didn't want him? As it tuned out, I would never find out.

Apollo and Daphne Was A Disturbing Story About A Male God Pursuit Of A Human Woman.

As for George Mackenzie, I still felt myself being drawn towards him, his neediness, his helplessness and through sheer curiosity, with a keen sense of some kind of unknown underlying strength or intelligence, that appeared to be associated with him. I was shocked and concerned that George Mackenzie had followed me back to Australia. He had followed other people in the past. He obviously needed some kind of help, but I had no idea what to do. [Update 2013: I found this song, 'One Of These Nights' by The Eagles, on YouTube, after looking up a sentence that was sent to me, on a blank page in an email in 2009. The sentence read, "... I've been searching for the daughter of the devil himself. I've been searching for an angel in white."]
One Of These Nights - The Eagles. |