I Had Never Heard Of Genies or Jinn And I Didn't Really Believe In Demons.
Spirit Attachment
I continued to feel as if I was being observed. I was headed along Bagot Road, on my way back to Nighcliff, after running some errands, when I thought communicated with my guides while still driving the car, So what is going on now? ... is this what is refered to as a 'spirit attachment?' The answer came immediately, as a large truck/ bulldozer type vehicle drove past me to my left. Written on the side of the vehicle were the words: 'EARTH MOVING ATTACHMENT'. This certainly got my attention, since I was again experiencing intermittent periods, where I felt the earth tremoring beneath my feet like I had back in Edinburgh, but this time my entire body was being shaken as well and I didn't know whether it was from an angel I knew, or didn't know.
I looked up the words 'Spirit Attachment' online, and I found a website, with some information that may have helped me in regards to the situation, but page turned up blank, so that it felt like I was being prevented from finding out any more about him.

Photo Of My Computer Screen That Went Blank When I Tried To Search For Information On Spirit Attachment.
Living with spirits, for so long, in a daimonic reality, I treated them if they were physical, or, as if I was a spirit like them, depending on the situation. I suddenly reverted from my feelings of helping Mackenzie, to my feelings as through the selves of Sophie, Cynthia and Scarlet of being very scared. Someone inside me was saying, What is he doing in Australia? This can't be the spirit of a deceased Scottish lawyer. Spirits do not do that kind of thing. Also, I just didn't think that the spirit of a man could be that powerful. I had often read about a spirit haunting a certain location, but following someone all over the United Kingdom and then half way around the world back to Australia, was beyond me. Oh God, who is this following me? I fretted. At that exact moment a van moved up beside me in the traffic displaying the word:

Genie? I thought. The only genie I vaguely knew of, was from Aladdin's Lamp ... I suddenly felt a creeping feeling of fear, that I had never felt before, come over me, that this may very well be something out of my sphere of reality, since I had no idea of what I was dealing with here. As soon as I got back to the Unit in Progress Drive, I looked up the world 'Genie' on the internet. This is what I saw: Genie - Jinn - Djinn - Demon. Demon? What?! That can't be right. They don't exist. Jinn? What is that? I began to research as fast as I could on the Jinn/ Djinn and demons and in that order. I was shocked at what I found and at a complete loss of what to actually do next ...

Identify Yourself Please. I Was Incessantly Mocked Via Email By Mackenzie & Co. I Wanted To Know Who They Were.
The idea that I was now being pursued by a demon/ or genie flared up inside me at intervals. Oh my God ... That can't be. They are telling me that he is not human. I totally believed in angels, but not demons, well, as a joke perhaps, but not seriously.
I guess I'd never thought about them to any great extent before and I'd never even heard of the Jinn. The moment I saw this, I became alot more worried than I had previously been. I stayed at the pc, my thoughts wildly racing, tapping in any words I could think of, associated with the 'demonic' and then following various links, until I came up with something called 'demonic oppression'. In all my years of studying parapsychology and new age literature, I'd never heard of this before. My God, I thought, this is not 'spirit attachment'. He is not a man. This is demonic oppression.
I quickly came across a list showing a heirarchy of demons which included knights, so I then understood why he had refered to himself as Mackenzie Knight. These were the very beginnings of my study of this subject matter. I was to read as much as I could in an attempt to empower myself, but in these very early stages, I would diverge between vast network of myriad thoughts, that relentlessly impinged upon my own, where I shifted between two mindsets, that led me in multiple directions.

Fallen Angels And Demons Create, Maintain and Mimic 'Royalty' On Earth To Copycat God's Chosen Royal Priesthood Under Jesus Christ.
But then, that hardly mattered and everything that was normal one day shifted, so that I appeared to be in some kind of bubble, or vacume of reality. While I continued my research on demons, I would completely forget that I was not in fact dealing with George Mackenzie, the deceased lawyer. It was as if the two things grew to be true simultaneously inside my own mind, even though I knew that that couldn't be right.
I seemed to forget that I had been shown me the word 'GENIE' and that Mackenzie was a 'genie'. I would alternate between thinking of him as a jinn and a demon. I prefered to see him as a jinn, since I was reluctant to adopt the concept of a demon. I fought off this information that was being captured and compartmentalised, at the expense of even being able to dress myself. I did not know exactly when the 'oppression' had begun, but one day it was as if I kind of realised, that everything I did was moving in slow motion and for the past week or so, I had barely managed to get myself from the bedroom where my pc was, to the kitchen or the bathroom. I had no recollection of eating meals, only of sending out my Ebay orders, where every buyer had a name or street name, refering to Mackenzie and our relationship. The question I now had was ... where were these thoughts coming from? ... and why were there all these references to demons and such, that I did not even believe in?

The Words 'WHO ARE YOU' 'WHAT IS THIS' 'WANT TO HANG OUT?' Were Sent To Me Via Email. |