Illustration of David and Goliath From The Old Testament In The Holy Bible.
Friday 4th Sept, 2009: I was driving along Progress Drive, on my way to Hibiscus Health and Beauty, where I had my nails infilled by Kim. Kim was an aquaintance with whom stories and experiences were shared, as we attempted to try and figure out why men behaved in the weird ways that they did towards women. Kim was a devout Pentacostal Christian, in search of a husband and she always wanted know, whether I had 'met anyone'. I had not spoken with her since being away, and so, on this occasion, I thought that, just for a joke, I would tell her that I had met 'someone' overseas and then hand her Jan Henderson's photos of George Mackenzie's ghost.
It was a completely dumb thing to do, but she was a Christian, I thought it would be funny. As things would have it, my idea was suddenly interrupted, when a car pulled in front of me with [OH YEAH] on the number plate. I froze behind my windscreen. Now I knew that I had done the wrong thing by even thinking about it, even if it was just for shock affect. I quickly decided that it mightn't be such as fun thing afterall.
I turned the car into the Hibiscus Shopping Centre carpark, two cars appeared in front of mine, side by side. I do not know whether they were stationary or moving, only the words on the number plates were in relationship to each other. The plates were [ADONIS] and [COCO]. Adonis, the Greek god, the perfect man and Coco, an awkward chilhood nick name given to myself by my mother. It was a name that made her laugh and that signified my ugly duckling status. As I turned the corner to find my car park, a third car then pulled in front of me with the word [SLINGSHOT] on the plate. I immediately thought of David and Goliath from The Bible. I smiled. This was obviously my guides (Angels) telling me that ... no matter how big one seemed and how small one appeared in relationship to another, that small did not necessarily mean less powerful. While I had never read The Bible, I knew from my childhood scripture classes, at Liverpool West Primary School, that David had beaten Goliath in that fight. This had provided the temporary comfort that I needed at the time.
I was in a strange headspace, seeing into this other world, that was in deadly earnest upon penetrating the one that I lived in and even though I was used to this kind of communication, I could still hardly believe that this was happening. I did not expect that some spiritual bully would come along and start to assert himself in my reality.
At the same time, I still harboured a sympathy for the brute and an attraction and curiosity towards the unfolding mystery that was occurring before me. I went in to see Kim who was all smiles. It was the first time I had seen her since being back from overseas. The conversation immediately began with my photographs of him from the tomb and how I thought that he might now have followed me back to Australia. I was Kim's last appointment for the day, and as her staff prepared and left for home for the weekend, I could feel my conversation becoming louder and more animated. Towards the end of the treatment, I was hardly aware of the room anymore. Instead, I found myself back at GreyFriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland, openly weeping for the remaining 300 covenanters, who had perished on a slave ship bound for Africa.

The Locked Gate To The Covenanters Prison, Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, Scotland.
I wept openly and my voice croaked with anguish. "There were only 300 of them left and they were being exported to slavery, but they had to kill them all. They killed them," I said, "There is a greater force beneath the ground. He couldn't let the last ones get away, not one. He killed them on the way to Africa. He killed them all." I was no longer fully present in the room. I was caught up in an event that I knew nothing of and that was said to have occurred some 400 years before. My concern was that this great powerful force of darkness, that had entrapped the innocent souls in the cemetery, was the same force responsible for murdering all of the covenanters. "They couldn't just be satisfied with 20,000. They wanted every last one of them." By this stage the salon had emptied out, which was just as well, since I had started sobbing. "Someone has got to heel them and they have got to stop making fun of Mackenzie on those tours." I was exhausted from the mediumship.
As I spoke I saw the ship with the waves smashing through the wood and the final lack of any trace of the lost. Kim calmly responded. She said, "You are here now, in this world. You cannot do anything about what happened to those people back then. You have to focus on the living." Through hearing these words I was brought back to the present. But I was still not convinced. "Yes," I agreed, "I do want to look after the living, but I also care about the dead." I wept over the orbs in the cemetery and my own powerlessness, in being unable to either understand or assist them and how they seemed to come up through the ground, perhaps showing off their own remains. It was just too awful to think about. I cared about George Mackenzie and all who had died in the place as a result of his actions, or not as a result of his actions, but indeed by the intent of some greater and more malevolent force that was at work.

Political Prisoners Inside The Covenanters Prison, Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, Scotland.
"There are thousands buried at that cemetery," I explained to Kim. "Their bones slowly work their way to the surface of the ground and the gardeners have to remove them." Kim suddenly sparked up with recognition. "Do you know where I mean?" I asked her. "Yes," she said, "I went there on my tour." "Really, do you mean you actually went there ... to the Greyfriars Kirkyard and the Covenanters Prison? So you know what I'm talking about ... It's the cemetery in the middle of the city where Greyfriars Bobby is buried, right?" "Yes", she said, "My kids and I walked through there during the day." "Did you feel anything?" "No," she sad. "I was totally oblivious to anything you mention. But something strange did happen while I was there."
"Yeah, and what was that?" "Well," she remembered, "there were this group of elderly people walking along, not to far ahead of where we were and suddenly two of them were pushed down onto the grass, so that they were faced flat down on the lawn. The others had to help pick them back up, after which they all left the cemetery together." "Yes, I exclaimed excitedly, "That's him! He does it to alot of the tourists as well. He pushes them forward, so that they fall face down on the ground."
I concluded, "... that place is incredible." "Yes," Kim agreed. "Well, that was strange." She added, "The entire place was dark ..." She was meaning both England and Scotland. "It had this sense of spiritual darkness hanging over it. There was a real sense of this lifting, once we got back to Australia. It was a relief to be back in Darwin." I nodded, thinking of what I suspected had now followed me back here. "I just don't know what to do," I said. Kim was wise in the way that she approached me at that time. She said, "I think you have to treat him, the same as you would an emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend. You have to cease all contact." "Yeah," I agreed. As weird as it all sounded, perhaps it was a bit like that. But I didn't know him. It was totally weird. I looked at her doubtful and afraid inside at my ability to follow through with it. As I left the Salon, I added, "I think I might come to church again ... Is that okay?" "Sure," she said. "Okay. Cool. ... So I'll see you there on Sunday."

The Words 'Ever Met A White Lion?' Came Up On My PC Screen Alongside Information On The Mackenzie Poltergeist. It was by 'DreamworldAU'. Was I Living In A Dream World? |