Out Flew The Web And Floated Wide. But Webs That Float Too Wide Are Prone To Wind.
Sunday 30th August, 2009. I was on my way to have lunch with Kristin. Kristin was the conveyancer for The Thylazine Foundation, of which I was the Director of, at the time. She was also into the new age movement, thereby being keen to hear about all the latest supernatural occurrances. I enjoyed sharing my experiences with whoever would listen, as I found them overwhelming, so it was good to have someone to share them with. The new age was exciting and addictive, as there was so much to learn and each new understanding, seemed to bring one ever closer to the truth.
On the way to Cullen Bay, I was immediately confronted with a rapid succession of similar number plates from oncoming vehicles, as they passed me in the traffic: [912] [911] [911] [915] [916] [912]. There were thirteen of these plates in between the time I left my front gate in Progress Drive, to the time I reached the roundabout at Nightcliff Woolworths, which was a few minutes drive away. I was literally being bombarded by them. Then I got the number plate [MACCA], before it all stopped. I parked the car close by to the Mandorah Ferry Terminal and while I was wandering around, waiting for Kristin to show up, my focus was drawn to the words on a sign:
You Are Being Watched.

So Was I Now A VIP, In The Mind Of Another More Powerful VIP, Who Ran Greyfriars Kirkyard?
Kristin turned up soon after that. Wide-eyed, she immediately asked, "Well, ... so did you get anything on the way here?" I replied nodding enthusiastically, "Yeah, I did actually. I got a name on the way here. It was 'Macca.' Do you know anyone called Macca?" She replied, "Yes, mate. I do. It's a friend of mine. He almost died of cancer." "Is he still alive? I asked. "Yes," she said. "He is." "Okay," I smiled, "Well, I guess that was for you, since I just got that plate, although I don't know what it means ... " Kristin and I were used to talking about 'signs' had discussed travelling to Alice Springs together, in order to participate in the shaman courses being run there, which involved invoking nature spirits for guidance and protection. I already saw myself as a shaman, so the thought of doing this course with Kristin, was both appealing and exciting, as one could never know what was going to happen next ...
The Truth Is Out There
We sat down at the restaurant and there was a sailing boat with huge running writing on the side, showing the name of the ship. The word was: 'Spirit'. "I love it when that happens," Kristin remarked. Then on the way out of the restuarant, I looked down at the table and mumbled to myself, "That's strange ..." "What mate?" "...That design there ... It's exactly the same as the design on the door of the church of Notre Dame in Paris." "Really?" "Yeah, it is ..." I thought, I'm finding connections all over the place. I had to slow this down, or find a way to shut it off somehow. It was pure mediumship. Later that night, when back at the unit, I knocked my touch lamp off the bedside table and the piece that fell on to the floor and shattered, had again showed me that same design. At no point did I stop to consider how this could have occurred, since the lamp was back on my bedside table in one piece the next day.
After lunch we went back to Kristin's place where I showed her all the photos. I said, "Have I got something to show you." She could hardly wait. I loved Kristin's strong reactions to my show and tell sessions. We both appeared to be on our way to the truth and the process of discovery, put us on a total high, so that the conversation became animated and where even the physical environment around us, seemed to suggest that anything was possible. I spread all my photos that I had printed out, across her loungeroom floor. I was very pleased with the larger A4 print outs, where Mackenzie could be clearly seen moving around the tomb in his black fog form. "He let me do it," I told her. I asked him for permission." Kristin examined the photos wide eyed and without speaking. I added, "I don't know anything about him, but it's not every day that someone gets to have a photo shoot with a spirit." Kristin studied the photos for awhile longer with her Oh, mate expression, still not saying anything.
A Mind Of Swirling Galaxies
She appeared to be shocked by what she saw. She then made us a cup of tea, as if to break up the psychic intensity, that now seemed to energise the air about us in the room. I now felt satisfied, that I had completed my show and tell session with good results, since Kristin appeared to be more than a little concerned by the photos.

Thoughs Of Stars And Tombs. I Wanted The Truth At All Costs And I Was Not Letting Go Until I Found It.
I spoke to Kristin of the strange things, that had been occurring, since my return and that I was coming across images of Apollo chasing Daphne. I added, "Then a guy I was talking to online sent me the image as well. It was the Greek god, Apollo, chasing a mortal woman who did not want him. He meant to have her, regardless and she despised him." Kristin said, 'Whoah, ... It looks like you may have attracted the interest of a pagan god." I frowned, "A pagan god?! ... Whaddaya mean?" I didn't like this at all. A pagan god, I thought, No way. That can't be right. "No," I said, "He's a spirit ... He's actually the spirit of a deceased Scottish lawyer called George Mackenzie. It's called a 'spirit attachment.' I'm gonna look it up on the internet."
But Kristin didn't seem convinced. She had even mentioned at a later date, that she felt that there was some kind of 'attraction' coming from myself, towards the photos that I had shown her. But the fact was, that I was totally excited by my pohoto shoot with a black fog and it had all seemed fine, since it had been done with his consent.
Yet the more I studied them, the more interested I became. The photos remained a mystery as yet unsolved. I felt that I was on the edge of discovering something, both mind blowing and terrifying. It was as if some power came upon me. It was an odd feeling, like something at a great distance had reached through, as some kind of living darkness, growing more alive by the second, like the uncertainty of an early evening, still tinged by pink light, being startled awake into full fledged midnight.

While I Lived On Progress Drive Yet Another Email With A Mocking Tone Turned Up In My Inbox. |