I Knew That My Every Move Was Being Closely Observed In The Spirit, But I Did Not Know By Whom.
Business As Usual Or Was It?
On Thursday 20th August, 2009, I went to see Doctor Goodhand to get a series of bloodtests in order to find out what was causing my body to swell. I got out of the car at the doctor's surgery smiling to myself, as leaves and twigs blew onto me in a small whirlwind. I asked in my mind, Why? Then I looked over my right shoulder into the carpark and there was the number plate [SERENDIPITY]. I didn't know what this word meant, and so I noted it to look up on the internet when I got home. Then I suddenly giggled, the younger selves thrilled by the attention in the spirit. In the distance to my left, I immediately saw a parked car with the number plate [GIGGLE].
Okay, I thought, now he is now going to use synchronicity to communicate. It felt different to the way in which my guides communicated. It was stronger and more forceful in approach. Meanwhile, inside my multiple consciousness, several children, who loved fairies and angels, were skipping in circles and clapping their hands together. |
I Remained Fascinated And Compelled, By An Unseen Intelligence, That Was Superior To My Own.
Once in Doctor Goodhand's surgery, it was confirmed by him, that the facial and eye twitches that I had been experiencing, since being 'bashed up' by spirits, in the South Bridge Vaults in Edinburgh, were nerve related. I could not just tell Doctor Goodhand who had damaged to my nerves. I then asked him about the small cross that had appeared on my upper lip. He said that it was an insect bite and that the infection had formed raised lines beneath the skin, in the shape of a small cross. This 'injury by design' had occurred, while I was visiting the 'sacred' isle of Iona in Scotland.
The following reading was done over the next day or so:

The next day I went to my dentist Karen Marshall at The Casuarina Day and Night Surgery in Casuarina. The symbol that they used was the same symbol I had painted onto the forehead of one of my selves portraits titled; Pixie/ Space Elf.

While I was seated in the waiting room, I looked to my left and saw a magazine cover with the words, 'HE'S BACK TIGER WOODS' and 'EYES A COMEBACK AND SHARES HIS ULTIMATE KEY FOR CONSISTENT CHIPPING'. Mackenzie had been identifying himself as Tiger Woods in mimicry of my RSVP user name Fairy Wood, so this was no accident. There was another one with him.

Multiple messages on a magazine page in the Day and Night Surgery: 1. There was a large consciousness in the sky. Never human. 2. There were a pair in human form. Once physical. The 3 of them were involved. 3. The person with 'DOUBLE VISION' was me. I had an upsidedown view of reality with the words 'Visionaire will change the way you see the light.' 4. The words 'MAGIC HAPPENS' were shown to Nigel [an aquaintance in Brisbane] on the side of a ship and he had mentioned this to me over the phone. 5. There was a white bird hovering above the words 'MAGIC HAPPENS.'

He had brought someone with him. There were two of them. Click onto the image for alternative image closer to the truth.

They were not happy.

While in the chair in the dental surgery I leaned back and on the ceiling overhead was the image of a cat [the cat thing yet again] and a bead dowser similar to the ones I had come across and used while in Scotland. I could hardly believe what I was seeing. Thrilled by the synchronicity, I left the surgery on an emotional high, whereupon, Dr. Marshall came out after me and kindly handed me the picture [above] to keep.

I noted the stars bordering the Casuarina Cinema Complex in Darwin, Australia.

Whereupon, I was immediately reminded of the stars bordering the ceilings at Rosslyn Chapel in Mid Lothian, Scotland.

I read this as 'You are unique, you are MAC' at first glance. But the word in capital letters was probably MAGNETIC. Sardonic in tone. Relates back to 'MAGNET' message in Glasgow, Scotland.

The glossary of words and images between myself and my guides was that anytime the number [999] was seen it meant 'DANGER' or 'UFOS'. I never saw the light orb UFOs as extra terrestrials, rather just as something malevolent and dangerous.
The message reads; "IF YOU DON'T WIN ONE OF MY FRIENDS ON THIS SIDE ..." "... YOU GET TO PLAY THIS SIDE UNTIL YOU WIN." It seemed to indicate that there were 2 sides and that I was between the two, or going back and forth between the two. There seemed to be interest in me from both sides. Both sides were associated with UFOs. [Update 2013: The message was from The Dragon [a fallen angel] who was paying me out. There was a fight for my soul between two sets of angels - would have either been 2 sets of fallen angels or between Satan's angels and God's holy angels. I was totally unaware of the seriousness of my situation at the time.]
[Update 2014: Note the hundreds of toys below. When a person inserts money into the machine, they are given momentary control over a mechanical claw-like hand, that comes down and picks up the one of the toys. In this way, if the person wins a toy, they participate in a UFO abduction experience, with the claw-like hand representing the 'aliens' and the toys representing human beings.]

"We've got time to listen.' This is invite with an offer attached. The 91 plates, in this case [916] plate confirms that it is my guides [Watchers] communicating. This was included in our glossary built up between us from 2005-2009. You see, no matter how wide the subject matter of the photo was, with them controlling my mind, I could rapidly focus in on what they wanted me to, in order to communicate and so I have clipped this photo [as well as crossed out a line on the ANZ sign], in order to show how this worked. It took years of training in channelling to be able to do this on cue.

Still leaving the Casuarina Square and there is a [777] in full view. Angels.

Tiger. The predatory cat theme continues ...

Yet another [666] plate on a car parked close by my car in the Casuarina carpark. This time it was a space away.

I LOVE APOLLO. Apollo was their boss. They worshipped the Greek god Apollo. The Daphney and Apollo theme continues ...

[KAL] or CAL (CALIBAN) is one of my multiple names.

Here The Dragon refers to himself as a hawk, which was one of his many alias's, by having a person who has the word [HAWK] on their number plate park to my car.

There were two of them. The hawk and a lion holding a ball. [Update 2013: The hawk is The Dragon and the Lion holding the ball is Mackenzie Knight].

VIP. A similiar VIP sign was placed within my view in association with Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland. VIP (Very Important Person). Sardonic in tone.

Another [777] car plate directly in front of us at the service station up the road from the Cauarina Square Shopping Complex. The 777 means angels, just in case we had forgotten who they were ...

[CYNTHIA] is one of my multiple names. [Update 2013: The Dragon knew all of our multiple names, since he was very likely the one who had originally named us. Under the Monarch Programming that we were subjected to, he would have been what is refered to as our 'handler', that is the one responsible for our programming].

In the next carpark there is a car parked near my vehicle with [WTIGERS] on the plate, a continuation of the large predatory cat theme ... next .... |