Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Oppression: A Slow Seduction Whirlpool Drawing Me In [1]: The Hypnotist

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His Mind Had A Whirlpool Affect On My Own. It Felt Like I Was Being Sucked Down Into The Abyss.

One minute I was getting on with my life. The next moment I could barely get from my pc to the kitchen sink. It was like something was swarming through my mind. I was still conscious, but I felt that if I opened my mouth, I would be a jabbering mess. I stumbled around the house and every radio song, every website, even addresses on Ebay became a way for him to communicate. All the names and addresses of people who purchased stuff from me on Ebay, that I was now selling, in order to make some money for The Thylazine Foundation, either included his name and the names of various members of my own family, or were in direct reference to my ongoing interaction with him. I had no idea, of how any of this, could even be happening?!

The Hypnotist

He was turning my physical environment, into a slow seduction whirlpool, that was slowly drawing me in. How could this be happening? I thought, Question: What do you call a synchronicity occurring every 30 seconds? Answer: Communication. While I had the ability to make associations between things, this went far beyond that, and I believe that 2 things were happening. The first thing, was that I was being led by my consciousness like a dog on a leash and the second thing was that The Dragon & Co., were utilising technology, space, time, matter and the consciousness of others in order to communicate with me. Even when I tried to blindly break out of this reality, where I was mouse in a wheel, I broke into another reality, where he did exactly the same thing. If this was a mirror maze, then I was locked inside it with a real monster. I knew that he was not human. Then I would suddenly feel like a man had followed me back to Darwin and that I was trying to break it off with him. I was being made to remember and forget thing at his whim. These were not my own thoughts and feelings. They were being inserted into my mind. It was totally bizzare.

The Dragon Had Groomed Me From Infancy For His Purposes, But I Would Never Belong To Him.

Then if I moved away from him in my thoughts or emotionally, which was hard to do, as he was a hugely telepathic, he was now inside my mind as well, then he would start the courting, romantic type behaviour again. It appeared that I was unable to hide anything from him and he called me out on everything and it wasn't long before he started using Biblical references. He was, in fact, behaving like a typical psychopath, one that can mimick romanantic attachment, where sex is purely biological. Then he would frighten me, by threatening to kill me, or 'get' me, or by making himself into something large and powerful and me as small and defenceless.

At the same time, I recognised what was occurring, I was unable to resist it and hence I found myself surrendering, or giving in to him. He seemed to rapid cycle in his behaviour towards me, going from romantic seduction, to self pitying pleading for help, to straight out mockery or condemnation. Then this would become pornographic, which made me think, he was trying to be sexual in his own way, but it was the most awful juvenile pornography of the lowest calibre, to the extent where it appeared that the human body could only repulse him, to the point were he wanted to see it eradicated. He operated in the world of spirit and so it was the mind or spirit that appealed to him. The spirit and not the body, was the object of his desire.

The Predator

He would respond to everything I thought about, even when I attempted to hide my thoughts. He knew about my past and my immediate future. He knew my family and friends. He knew my history. Only sometimes he did actually get it wrong, because he would pick out insecurities, that I might have had years ago, but that had no emotional effect on me in the present. This was a mistake, because he was always after emotional affect, fear, rage, desire, anguish. These were the emotions he understood and responded to. He did not understand love and so he mocked it, savagely and sarcastically. He was complex, but purely predatory. I felt completely overwhelmed and mesmerised by him. I could not get out of the unit. He was raping me with his mind and it appeared as if he was savouring the fact, that he was coming to 'get' me. With this accuser hurtling his thoughts at me like fireballs, I was still blaming myself for everything. I was also shown an image as a warning, that this would be my fate, if I was involved with him, which had startled and frightened me.

My Fate? There Came A Number Of Warnings, In Regards To My Involvement With Him.

The attack on my consciousness was a relentless 24 hour a day. They never got tired and they waited until I did. They wanted me in altered states of consciousness, trance, mesmerised, meditating, asleep and/ or dreaming. They wanted me to empty my mind and to be connected to the world and at one with the universe. They wanted me drugged, mindless, receptive and channelling, so they could get access to my mind and so that they could do their thing. But more than anything The Dragon and/or The Cat Man, wanted me to love him. But he [or they] did not see love in the same way that I did. I was very suprised to see that he/ they saw love as worship!?

I had scoffed at the time, thinking He's got tickets on himself. But I was mainly disturbed, as the realisation hit me that they way that these beings related to me, had nothing to do with my human mind or the human world. It was terrifying to think of the mixed messages I might have been giving them and things misunderstood by them, since I really had no idea of exactly who or what it was that I was dealing with. As for the lure of knowledge, they only let me know what they wanted me to know.

The Indoctrination Had Been Relentless, But There Appeared To Be No Way Out.

The pull into this never ending whirlpool of dark consciousness felt that, as a system, we were unable to resist the approach of his mind as he enveloped us, and contained us, as if he was the home we now lived in. There was only a small sense of failing God at this point. Mostly, there was the final relief of just letting go and letting something else control our group mind. It was becoming too hard to resist, to keep afloat, to keep the head above water. There was an acute calmess approaching, a vapourous black fog of of unblinking predation, a peaceful end to the long struggle. This concerned me briefly, but in the swoon I was now in, there couldn't be anything harder than hanging on to the side of a vertical cliff with a vultures claws tugging at my flesh. Sometimes I felt that it would be easier to just give in and go into freefall.

He was inexhaustable and unrelenting. His undying obssession seemed to be to label me by slander, to define and redefine himself and to set us up in relationship to each other, as though we were in a relationship. If his attempts to win me over with cliché romance and then to threaten to kill me. But nothing was ever real except for the lie.

Wild Is The Wind - Johnny Mathiest.

This website is part of my personal testimony. It is guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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