The Dragon Gauged My Emotional Response, To Various Images, By Observing Me And Through Telepathy.
Over the years, The Dragon had shown me two sets of images. The first was of angels [fallen angels], interacting with human women and the second were of faeries [demons], interacting with human women. The angel and women images had worked far better for me, than the faery and women images, since the angels, had looked more like highly evolved spiritual beings, whereas the faeries, were more animalistic and of the earth. For this reason, I did not feel comfortable regarding their abduction and/ or sexual interaction with human women. Yet The Dragon had persisted with both sets of images, looking for any way into my heart and mind. In regards to the abduction of women by faeries, he first began, by leading me a series of old black and white art, of beautiful curvaceous women. Slowly but surely, another kind of image, began to find its way, into his folio.
The Abduction Begins ...

The first image that The Dragon led me to was this one. A beautiful woman being abducted, by something dark and otherworldly, from the ocean. I didn't like it. But I'd never seen anything like it before in an gallery, so it certainly had my interest.
The Dragon kept his eye on me, in order to gage and test my emotional responses, to the images that he would show me. His alien thinking, was like a tributary of death that promised life, as it rolled down from the moutain of his gargantuan consciousness, over the top of my own. Occasionally, he went too far and there were imnages that I did not like, so that little rocks of resistance, would suddenly emerge beneath the outpouring, and his unclean water, would sink lower and escape between them, forming new and faster ways, to the ocean of deception.

A Rocky Stream With Rapids - Alexandre Calame.
Like the flow of water in a river to death, The Dragon's tempatations would always follow the path of least resistance. Whenever the lesser rocks, of morality and ethics, emerged within me, against his suggestions, he would move on quickly, smoothing them around the edges, as he left. But whenever those rocks were not there, or when they were slowly worn down my him, his mind would come over the top of mine, like a flood of seduction, as if to sweep me away. Without Jesus and The Word of God, in The Holy Bible, being my focus and foundation, my resistance would surface briefly, through ethics and morality, before being eroded, by the onslaught of sin, that saturates the world, only to sink beneath the surface again.

The Dragon led me to this image and studied me, while I studied it, awaiting a response. Whereupon, a suggestion would be made, that this was our relationship. Any kind of acceptance by myself, would have had him, take it to the next level.
Mmnn, well, I don't think so ... While I had never been a feminist or a believer in matriarchy, the submission of this human woman, to an condescending arrogant centaur, did not appeal to me. But perhaps I had lingered on the image too long.

Since The Dragon then led me to this image, of a legless man with a snake's tail, about to copulate with a human woman, while closely watching my reaction, for any kind of curiosity, emotional response, interest, or acceptance. One could only imagine what had influenced the artist, into creating this kind of subject matter.
Er, yuk! ... not exactly the response, that The Dragon desired, but there are many free flowing tributaries, into the unsaved, uninformed, undiscerning, human mind, that has been disarmed, by not having a firm knowledge, of The Word of God. He would paitently try again, another time ... "And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season.” [Luke 4:13, The Holy Bible, KJV]

But for now, The Dragon would continue on the same theme, showing me an image that was really the same thing, but that was decorated with secret romance, soft bouquets, fantasy landscape and tender whisperings, to the drowsy half asleep woman, letting her delicate pale fingers uncurl, before Cupid's arrow of seduction.

The Dragon led me to this small inconspicuous image, bordered by a plain brown wooden frame, on the wall, [I think this was in the Lourve gallery in Paris], depicting what appears to be, a ghostly, menacing male figure, coming up out of the ocean, unseen by the forlorn female on the cliff, near to the oceans's edge. The suggestion being, that this was about to become an 'abduction' scenario.

I was shown this image, to test my responses. Aside from the vivid colours and sense of movement and with no idea of the story behind it, I was not taken with it.

A human woman, in an altered state of consciousness, being 'carried away', or abducted by cherubs [fallen angels], how they like to be represented, in human form. At the time, I took these photos, without even knowing why I was doing it.

Another FAIL from The Dragon's art folio, resulting in a few seconds of fascination, under his persuasive tutelage, followed by natural concern and then, repulsion.

Finally, another cameo of a dirty devil man, creeping up behind and perving, on a voluptuous sleeping woman, with perfected curls and virginal, unblemished, pale skin, in a shadowy natural setting. The galleries, that I visited with The Dragon, were filled with the art of fallen angels and/ or demons, or how they desired to see themselves represented, through the mind control and mediumship skills, of their specially selected, creative human conduits. This is their story, to be told and retold, so that we can never hope to escape, or forget, that stale old adventure and demonic fantasy, now turned into decaying idols, to be worshipped for brief centuries, that the lust of our own eyes and the pride of egocentric creativity, has lured us into, so that we can bear personal witness, to their worldly greatness. The art galleries, libraries and museums of the world, are little more than dead works, that have become monuments of vanity, to spiritual powers and principalities, that remain utterly malicious and inexhaustibly hostile, towards a deceived humanity. |