Claimed Before My Birth, To Promote Satan's Agenda On Earth, But I Already Belonged To Jesus.
Ancestral Ties and Obligations
All ancient belief systems of this fallen world, were put into place through the minds of humans, by Satan and his fallen angels and that is why they worship the snake. They also worship the sun, not because it brings life each year, for the spring rains do that as well, but because fallen angels, in this dimension, present as orbs of false white light [UFOS]. They also have themselves represented in art, as suns, stars, full moons, pearls, bubbles, circles etc. Worldly religions worship fallen angels/ demons who set themselves as false gods. These false gods are then promoted and in return they support human beings, chosen over the many, in order to rule over the many, in exchange for their eternal spirits and these bloodlines, put into place by Dragons, have been guarded by Satan and his hoardes of fallen ones, for thousands of years.

God's Holy Angels Are Sent To Protect, Guide And Minister God's Word, Through The Holy Bible.
Said to be amongst a supposed 3 million other human beings, I am an ancestor of a high king of Ireland, Niall of the Nine Hostages, some of whom migrated from Ireland to Scotland, where the bloodline came down through the clan of Mackay, in the northern regions of the Scottish Highlands and then down through my great great great grandfather on my mother's side, when the highland clearances of the 1800s, resulted in migration to Australia, where they settled in Western New South Wales. While this means nothing to God, it does mean something to fallen angels/ demons, who travel down through family bloodlines, claiming individuals for special purposes.

"Only then can you belong to me." [Music of the Night - Andrew Lloyd Webber].
The following is an excerpt on the early life of one of Irelands "high kings", around the 4th-5th Century AD, who took up his position, under the authority of Satan:
"Early life: A legendary account of Niall's birth and early life is given in the 11th century saga Echtra mac nEchach Muimedóin ("The adventure of the sons of Eochaid Mugmedón"). In it, Eochaid Mugmedón, the High King of Ireland, has five sons, four, Brión, Ailill, Fiachrae and Fergus, by his first wife Mongfind, sister of the king of Munster, Crimthann mac Fidaig, and a fifth, Niall, by his second wife Cairenn Chasdub, daughter of Sachell Balb, king of the Saxons. While Cairenn is pregnant with Niall, the jealous Mongfind forces her to do heavy work, hoping to make her miscarry. She gives birth as she is drawing water, but out of fear of Mongfind, she leaves the child on the ground, exposed to the birds. The baby is rescued and brought up by a poet called Torna. When Niall grows up he returns to Tara and rescues his mother from her labour. Although it is anachronistic for Niall's mother to have been a Saxon, O'Rahilly argues that the name Cairenn is derived from the Latin name Carina, and that it is plausible that she might have been a Romano-Briton. Keating describes her not as a Saxon but as the "daughter of the king of Britain".
[Niall of the Nine Hostages: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia].
The Search For Truth
While still knowing nothing about either The Dragon, or my ancestral bloodline, I was led back to the highlands Scotland in mid 2009, by The Dragon, in order to practice my mediumship and to have me become more 'entangled' with ancestral spirits, with him knowing full well, that to do so, would result in further distancing of myself, from the one truth, that is in the knowledge of the death and ressurection of Jesus Christ. The poem titled, 'The White Swans Of Orkney', was written on location, one chilly summer evening on the Orkney Islands, a few months before I was saved, and before I knew anything about my 'royal' heritage, or The Dragon and his claim on me.

The Icy Denuded Wilderness Of Scotland, Was A Place Haunted By Demons, Posing As Ancestral Spirits.
Perhaps at my most lost, this poem was a simple expression of the state of my split soul under the MK Ultra programming, that The Dragon had subjected me to in early infancy, and that he then had me turn into a metaphor, exploring the grief of a lost cultural heritage, due to the Scottish highland clearances of the 1800s and the total desimation of Scotland's animals such as the wolf, shown to me by The Dragon, in a natural musuem in Edinburgh. The words speak of a spirit adrift, in a haunted past.
White Swans of Orkney
The two white swans were sensing the wolves.
The swans were returning the wolves to the land. The barren haunted land.
The breeze laboured and longed across the glacial highlands of Scotland.
The wind was howling. Longing for the wolves.
Two white swans in the lengthening dusk of summer against the standing stones.
Two swans against the wind in the grey black tide together.
Two white swans, longing for the wolves and carrying the sun on their backs
And the coldest most distant stars beneath their wings as fading lights.
The white swans of Orkney and a haunted whispering land,
Howling beneath the full summer moon.
We are gone from this land forever. The wind is in the bones of the heath.
The highlands still hungering, for what they have never known.
[Faery Wood, Coral Hull, 2009.]
The poem, 'White Swans of Orkney,' describes my spirit that was originally split into twin selves [Daniel and Eve], by the Dragon, hungering for something it had never known, [that being, faith in God Almighty, through His son Jesus Christ], while surrounded and imprisoned by the worldly darkness of The Dragon [represented by the stars, sun and moon] and his demonic hordes [represented by the the wolves].
In not knowing the true God of The Holy Bible, I longed for the same comfort in the false gods of nature, tradition, culture, ancestry and the fallen angels and demons, that originally created them and who continue to abide in them to this day. The Dragon could never bring me home, because while he brought me back to Scotland, my true home was in the Kingdom of Heaven, under the one true King of Heaven and Earth, Jesus Christ. The Dragon could only hold my spirit captive by deception, temporarily spellbound, in barren haunted lanscapes, both internal and external.
Lost In Captivity

The Dragon Was Responsible For The Music In My Poetry, But He Used My Heart To Make It Sing.
31. haunted houses, there are a variety of them existing in me
in order to move through this relationship & my own hurt, i made my way back through the haunted house of myself, i became that very creepy abused woman, in order to switch off from him, i dreaded my movement through the place of my abused self, i knew that there would be corpses lying in the cupboards under the sink, murdered by the raving lunatic who'd pushed past me in the hallway, there is always a very wrong spooky sort of feeling in these houses, haunted houses, there are a variety of them existing in me, there is the split-level house, the house on top mirroring the house on the bottom, the house on the top is where all the good rooms are, the house on the bottom had the bad rooms, then there is that spiraling staircase that i climb, only to arrive at a very creepy room at the top, a room so creepy that it always wakes me up, then there was that house in the garden that i walked past, every time i looked straight at it, it was like a sleepy little stone cottage, with all the leafy summer shrubs in place, then when i looked ahead & saw it out of the corner of my eye it turned nasty & hideous, i knew that the house wasn't revealing its true nature to me, that it was waiting for me to enter it, so i walked by quickly as it growled, & all the spiders shook in their webs, I got this very creepy feeling before the age of six, i always wondered what they had done to me, but i realise now that they were probably just the same as they had always been, but at two years of age, i couldn't have rationalised the pain i felt, & so the terror would have set in, & the first haunted room would have tumbled into my tiny brain
[Vegan, Vegas, Coral Hull, 2000.]

The Dragon Imprisoned And Then Pursued Me, In Virtual Realities Or Mindscapes, Created By Him. |