The Mind Control Techniques In MK Ultra Programming, Were Originally Designed By Fallen Angels.
Claimed By A Fallen Angel
I was claimed, raised and groomed by a fallen angel, whom I refer to as The Dragon. He did not afford me the dignity of telling me his name and he never revealed himself to me in an obvious way, until I cried out to Jesus to save me. I know that he is similar to Satan, in that in Biblical terms, he is a fallen cherubim. I also know him to be a 'Duke' in Satan's fallen angel demonic hierarchy. I know that he has a number of demonic entities that work for him, in what appears to be some kind of loose militaristic structure in the second heavenlies. I know that he can communicate directly with God. Lastly and importantly, I know that he is a leviathan, that being, when Satan's angels followed him in the fall from heaven, The Dragon appears to be one of those, that took up his territory, or residence, beneath the ocean. While The Dragon has hidden behind many disguises during my life, he basically manifests as a large ball of light with a powerful consciousness. If it wasn't for the fact that he is oceanic and water based, in a lot of his thinking and without The Holy Spirit and God's holy angels to tell me of my situation, I may have mistaken him for Satan.
The mind control techniques in MK Ultra programming, were originally designed by fallen angels. I was raised by The Dragon as an MK Ultra creation, being a victim of Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, Omega and Gama programming. As my 'grooming' continued, The Dragon spiritualised my life, posing as my Father in heaven and a false Holy Spirit, who led me away from Jesus and The Holy Bible, or at least just close enough, in so that I would not pursue it any further. This was done b allowing me to enter a Catholic church on occasion and through a created male self, who desired to be a priest. I believe that the plan was for me to become a successful writer, promoting Satan's anti-christ agenda/ ideaology through my creative work.
The only problem being, that Jesus had also made contact with me, during early infacy. So while the Dragon, possessive and jealous by nature, persisted and featured in a good deal of my life, both internal and external, Satan's forces were always wary, about how far they would allow me to continue, in my literary and/ or artistic career, that had been set up by them, by utilising a number of people in prominant positions, for their purposes. My early contact with Jesus, had placed me in a high risk category, in regards to the worldwide deception, that is currently promulgated by Satan's kingdom of darkness. Therefore, when I failed a number of 'morality' tests in my literary career, it was suddenly over with and The Dragon was then given permission to keep me for himself as a 'play thing'/ his 'pet doll', his 'toy', after which, being slowly corrupted by him, my life would have been abruptly terminated.

The Dragon Fantasised About Me Being His Ophelia. The Idea Of My Death Seemed To Excite Him.
Everything that people can read on the internet about me, was a purposeful and deliberate set up, by the spiritual forces that currently rule this world. I have heard of people like myself, refered to by fallen angels/ demons, as "chosen ones" and/ or if involved in the entertainment industry as "stars", or in military experimentation as "super soldiers". These are just demonic terms for children, who are selected due to a bloodline and who are then groomed and used for Satan's purposes, while on earth.
Not Special, Just Chosen
This has nothing to do with being special, better than anyone else, a genius, half-human, hybrid, possessing super powers, psychic powers or special intelligence, but merely to become a programmed 'human filing cabinet or puppet', to be used and then finally destroyed, by 'the spiritual powers that be', once your used by date is up.
Only a true Christian, who has a close personal relationship to Jesus Christ, God and The Holy Spirit, and who has a good understanding and knowledge of The Holy Bible, and who is well versed in higher level spiritual warfare, against Satan's powers and principalities, will undertand what I am talking about. All I can do is put everything I know into writing, as part of my personal testimony, to the saving grace and knowledge of the truth through Jesus Christ and the God of The Holy Bible, who is the one and only, true and living God, whose open hand, is extended towards you.
"The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn; ..." [Isaiah 61:1-2, The Holy Bible, KJV].

De-programming An MK Ultra Multiple Is No Problem For God. Jesus Came To Set The Captives Free!
The Powers That Be, Not!
While living in Progress Drive, Nightcliff and when placing my UFO stories online, my phone line was tapped for awhile and my website visited, over a period of several weeks, by people in the NT government, an investigative agency in Washington DC, as well as Customs 'officals' from Vancouver and Toronto, wherever I had entered another country. After being saved, my car was swooped on, by a military helicopter, that appeared to be doing some kind 'maneuvers' in my local area, that also made a few low swoops over the roof of the stone cottage, where I lived, at night, after flying along the back fenceline of the back of the property. While I remain under spiritual attack via trials, testing and various forms of affliction ordained by God, there has been no more interest, from those human beings, whom Satan and his demonic forces, continue to develop a 'close' relationship with. God willing, it will remain that way, as I have no interest in their secrets, or things that concern them.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places ..." [Ephesians 6:12, The Holy Bible, KJV].
As for my earthly ancestory, the pagan kings and queens of old England, Ireland and Scotland, romanticised and turned into myth and legend, set into their worldly positions, by fallen angels and demons, the 'little gods' of this world, who promote sun and nature worship, the worship of snakes, birds and animals, mountains and rivers, flowers and trees and faeries, and who glorify in the treacheries of the human heart, and whose home is the kingdom of death, ... the holy angels of God, would neither deny or confirm the fact of my royal lineage, since I was told, it is of no relevance to [The Kingdom Of] God. Jesus Christ is the one true King and his people, are the ones who will be wearing the crowns, placed upon their heads, in Heaven.
One of my more prominent roles, under The Dragon's supervision, was the that of published Australian poet. It was something I did, as one self, amongst many selves, in a system of between 20-40, created by The Dragon, in order to be utilised by him, before my eyes were opened to his devices: We are living in a physical existence, under the curse of God and a world system, designed and operated by Satan and his fallen angels. Jesus Christ is our only way out and our knowledge base is The Holy Bible. While I am not permitted to enter into pointless debate, about what I know, or do not know, I have been given permission by Father, to write my testimony and I am afforded twenty four hour protection and ongoing provision, in order to complete this task. Aside from telling the truth about Jesus, to those who remain under a deadly spiritual deception, I have no further interest in this world, or the things that it offers under Satan. May the Holy Spirit of God Almighty, Jesus Christ and his holy angels, lead you to the truth, while you still live, so that you may live forever. Amen.

I Was Shocked To Find Out, That The Holy Bible, In It's Entirety, Is Indeed, The Word Of The Living God. |