The Dragon Desired To Interact With Me, In Mental Landscapes, Where He Was Creator And Director.
Before I was old enough to know anything about healthy adult sexuality, The Dragon had his demons sexually molest me. This occured on an ongoing basis throughout my early childhood. They entered my dreams and they knew my body. They were able to direct and assist me, in odd physical and mental ways, which often included directed play. They were also able to enter and possess people, including other children, that I was to associate with, in order to expose me to things, that I was not mentally able to cope with, as part of the mind control process. These assaults occured in conjunction with mental anguish and prolonged torture of my soul. While what I was subjected to, would no doubt seem tame by today's standards, for me, it was enough to ensure that I was a multiple system of consciousness, designed by The Dragon, before entering preschool.
The Dragon As Actor
The Dragon presented as several ' character types' over the period of my life, that I knew him. The image of Cuipd and Psyche, while still a lie, was closer to the truth. The other representations of himself, in human form, were designed to seduce and to give me an indication of his character. The Dragon used creative arts in order to do this, in my case dance, cinema and theatre, since the males that are represented in these artforms, were more akin to fallen angels, than to real human men. If you have you ever heard someone say, "That's only happens in the movies," it is because the large discrepancy, between real life relationships and the idealistic romanticised version, created by and for fallen angels and demons, through the entertainment [enter in order to [de]tain] industry.
The Dragon was unable to physically manifest and so he operated, by projecting images of himself into my mind, alongside his will or intent. He simply directed me to the appropriate music, movies and programs and then influenced me, as I watched them. The conditioning began in early childhood, as I was subjected to television programs, [Tell-a-vision-programming], of any cartoon or children's show, where a princess was abducted by an evil magician, or some other villain of similar reputation. Not only did I absorb the programming, but The Dragon supervised, what I would be subjected to and then as I watched it, he would persistantly exert his will over my own, so that I became partially aware of an invisible presence, that manifested as a dream, or ... a future plan.
The Devil of Swan Lake

Rothbart Is A Powerful Sorcerer, Who Casts A Spell On Odette, That Turns Her Into A Swan.
It was not until I saw the movie of the Tchaikovsky ballet, Swan Lake, on a sixth grade school excursion, that The Dragon seemed to use the characters of Odette and an evil sorcerer, Eric Von Rothbart, in order to represent our relationship to each other in an overt way, that I was overwhelmed. He used this ballet to instill into my thinking, that I was under his power and that there was no escape, other than by tragic circumstances.
At the time, I remember the movie as being way too 'adult' for me. While I did not understand it, I remained haunted by the prologue and theme music. The movie had done its work on my psyche. In being multiple, only [the girls] were to ever receive this conditioning, so that as they sank back away, into the psychic holding bays, prepared for them by The Dragon. Here, his dirty work could remain hidden, from whoever was conscious in the body at the time. He was also a very real presence in my mind, so any programs or scenarios, that I knew as representing him and my relationship to him, were recognised. However, this occurred on levels too deep to acknowledge consciously.
Heathcliff On The Moors
The first time that The Dragon attempted to seriously manifest, in direct and intimate relationship to me, was through the character of Heathcliff, in the [1939] Metro Goldwin film, Wuthering Heights, with Merle Oberon as Cathy and Laurence Olivier as Heathcliff, in a story, which basically taught me, that to 'hate' viciously was to 'love' intensely.
He had not only picked me as a 'Cathy' type, but he had programmed one into the system of selves, to be used by him as Cathy, whenever so the mood took him. This movie awoke things inside me, that I never knew were there ... intense feeings, emotions, love and death related, romance related. It was all very strange and emotionally overwhelming, especially the final scene, where Cathy died, standing up, as she leant against Heathcliff, by the large window, bordered by white lace, as they looked out onto the moors together, remembering happier days. I had never been exposed to such intense emotions, in regards to a romantic 'love' relationship before and I was beside myself with longing and grief. This sudden barrage of feelings were both disturbing and confusing, with The Dragon's will focused upon my own frail thinking. |
The Dragon Hated God And He Harboured A Murderous Hatred Towards All Human Beings.
Once The Dragon knew this, he would stalk me as Heathcliff, prototype, based on my emotional response. In Heathcliff, The Dragon had found for me, the correct partner, namely, that being himself. No man could satisfy, unless The Dragon was able to enter them, or influence them, so as to speak through them, for while I could not admit it, to anyone, even to myself, The Dragon was the only one, that I [thought] that I wanted.
Phantom Of The Opera

Angels Are Individuals. The Dragon Chose Characters, Whom He Felt Were Representative Of Who He Was.
I was a very late developer due to my autism. I only started emerging from it, during in my mid to late twenties. The Dragon attempted to reveal something of his 'character' to me, through The Phantom Of The Opera musical stage play, when I lived in Melbourne, after arranging for a male acquaintence, John, to take me to the performance. I was more thrilled in the free box of chocolates, than what was occurring on the stage. The falling chandelier caught my attention, but I was still too 'shut in' by my autism, and so, the relationship between The Phantom and Christine, did not have the desired affect.
I just thought, why is that young creative woman, hanging out with that creepy old man? I quickly concluded that there must be something strange about her as well and that perhaps they actually suited each other. But this was an analytical response, rather than an empathetic, or an emotional one. The Dragon did present some of his character through Erik [The Phantom] and although he could be many things to many people, this side of his nature was the one that he insisted on enforcing upon me, at a later time.
When he finally did make his big move, I was living in Nightcliff, in Unit 2/ 91 Progress Drive and a copy of The Phantom Of The Opera Dvd, had been sitting in amongst my library books for some time. I was told to get it out and watch it, which I did and then he enforced his will over my own and as the movie worked its way down through the layers of my multiplicity, I became immediately afraid, to the point of being terrorised by what I was seeing. It was a reflection, more accurately, an exact duplication, not only of my own life, but of my relationship with him. Since he was unable to manifest physically, this was how he connected with me. That is, by presenting something in the physical world and then enforcing his will over my own, as I observed it, via telepathy.
I watched the movie over and over again, but it was not the movie that had held sway me, but the mind behind it, working on my own from the spiritual dimension. I was in a relationship with The Dragon, moving slowly and ever closer to him, unable to escape, unable to understand who, or what it was, I was involved with, hopelessly captivated.
On deeper levels, where consciousness had not come to the surface, I knew that he had been around me all these years, but this remained so deep, so as to be hidden from my conscious mind. I freaked out, not so much at the movie, but at the enforcing of his will over my own, while I watched it.
It felt like I was completely encapsulated by a superior consciousness, an invisible force of presence. I felt as if I was afraid of him and 'in love' with him at the same time.
Again, it had little to do with the actors in the movie, or the characters that they played. It had to do with his consciousness and its hold over my own, and his will dominating my own. It was suffocating and protective at the same time. This time, the movie had its desired affect. When a friend, Marie, attempted to watch the movie with me, she felt as if she was being slowly strangled in the loungeroom and therefore her own viewing of it, was cut short. |
The Dragon Took A Great Risk Before God, In Enforcing Himself Upon Me In This Way.
Cupid And Psyche
The final stages of the long term courtship, involved revealng himself as an angel, a guide, or a being of light. But it was still not an accurate portrayal of who he really was. During this phase of the seduction, he began to show me many images of women falling in love with, or being taken or abducted by, other worldly beings, who were in love with them. This mainly consisted of angels, cherubs and several of mermen. I examined these images utterly fascinated, made so, by the force of his intent or will behind it.
It was a combination of his intelligence and his intensity, that I found mesmerising. Finally, the images and the phenomenon were not enough, I wanted to know who he was and what was going on. I wanted him to materialise and I wanted to meet him, to be face to face with him in his physical form. In response, he showed me the movie The Lake House, with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves, telling me, that it applied to us.

The Dragon Finally Chose To Represent Himself, As Human-Like Angel In Love With A Human Woman.
In reality, The Dragon was a deceiver come to steal, kill and destroy. It was in his nature to do this. He was master an expert at projecting images into my mind day and night. I lived an enchanted existence, never alone, feeling an emotional high, feeling that I was constantly 'in love' with someone, who was just out of reach. The Dragon was also highly possessive and only approved of 'love' relationships, that would lead me into sin, in order to assist in my spiritual demise. In the physical, The Dragon arranged interactions between myself and other people, that would keep me away, from The Holy Bible.
The Dragon lead me into vulnerable and passive states of mind, through channeling, trance, meditation, hypnosis, yoga, spiritualism, and mediumship, including music and other forms of entertainment, whereupon, he was able to insert images into my mind, which had gradually developed into a trusting receiver, for what I believed to be the guidance of benevolent universal forces or angelic beings. The truth was, that The Dragon was a skilled spiritual predator, who had been assigned to me, since before my birth, and who had then assisted and deceived me, into weakening my own will, in prepartion for influence by fallen angels alongside demonic invasion and co-habitation.

The Dragon Required A Weakened Will And Mental Passivity In Order To Achieve His Ends.
Once God and His holy angels revealed the truth of my situation, in that The Dragon was not, in fact, human and nor would be ever manifest in the way that I expected him too, then I fled for my life. I also gained an understanding of his purpose, which was the destruction of my soul/ spirit, while I was still in the physical realm. A fallen angel is a powerful being and I was no match for him, on any level and at the time of direct intervention by God, I was under deep enchantment/ programming. It was only through this direct intervention, that I was able to wake up out of this long dream of death and face the truth of my life, and that is, ... I belonged to Jesus, and not to The Dragon.
The Dragon was allowed to email me a few more times, until I eventually deleted every single one of my email addresses, as well as changing servers and internet service providers, in order to start again, from my new location in Eva Valley. Of course, this wouldn't have stopped him for long. But for my continuing safety and well being, God Almighty stopped him. Once I was awoken, from the spell that I was placed under, I became very afraid of everything about him and I wanted nothing more to do with him.
The Light Orb [UFO]

Now, while it's a breeze to watch this kind of thing in a science fiction movie, having it happen in real life was something else entirely. It is overwhelming and extremely scary.

Actress Ingrid Bergman From The 1944 Movie, Gaslight.
The Wuthering Heights and Phantom of The Opera charade was over at last, only to be replaced, by a truth even more strange and terrifying, than I could have ever imagined. While The Dragon had insisted that I not judge others by their appearances, I was still only human, and the shock of this was almost beyond my ability to cope with it. Without 3 1/2 years of The Holy Spirit and God's holy angels ministering The Holy Bible to me, after placing me under continuing protection, I would not have made it through this.
As for The Dragon, in his dimension, that being the spiritual dimension, or the second heavenlies, he may look like a cherubim, a dragon or a serpent. But in this dimension he was a spirit, a bright orb or a light source, possessing a powerful consciousness. As an aquaintence, Kristin, had once remarked, "looks like you've attracted the attention of a pagan god." A pagan god, indeed, but hardly mythological. The awful and simple fact being, ... that I had been involved in a long term relationship, with a ball of light [UFO].
The Dragon's theatre of the mind, where I was convinced that I belonged to him, was finally ended by God Almighty in late 2009. Jesus said, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one." [John 10: 28-30, The Holy Bible, KJV].