What's This?! Why ... It's A Baby Dragon. Now, What Could Be So Bad About That?
While The Dragon physically manifests as white light, or a ball of strong light in this world, which is a third dimensional reality, in his world, which is a fourth dimensional reality, or the second heavenlies, I am assuming that he would manifest as a dragon [reptile, serpent] or as a cherubim - a disc with eyes or the angel with four heads and six wings, as is described in The Holy Bible. Therefore, in this world, while still physical and operating within a third dimensional reality, I would see him as a ball of light [such as an orb], or a shape shifting light source of some kind. However, if my physical body was to die and my spirit to leave it, entering the spiritual dimension, then I may see The Dragon in his true form. This would be in his Biblical form and I believe that it would be caused by either a projection of his consciousness onto my own, or of God Almighty's consciousness onto him and onto my own, so that he would appear in all truth, or as he really exists. Of course, this is just speculation, fueled by an intense curiosity/ or need to know, on my behalf.
The most important detail regarding The Dragon, was revealed to me by The Holy Spirit in late 2013. I asked how long The Dragon had actually been in my life. I immediately heard the song, 'Puff The Magic Dragon'. Once this occurred, everything began to fall into place, like a huge jigsaw puzzle completing itself. I remembered my attention being drawn to this song as a child, including the children's program by Sid and Marty Krofft called, 'H.R. Pufnstuff', about a boy getting saved by a friendly dragon/ reptile. I had named my first pet rat "Puff", after this magic dragon in the song. So The Dragon had been there all along, since earliest childhood. Under the guidance of The Holy Spirit, I was able to trace this through my own artwork and the various images, that I had collected and stored on my computer over the years.
The following is a collection of images, that I have retrieved from my personal files, including my own artwork, showing how The Dragon manifested, over the time that I knew him. These images provide examples, of a few brief glimpses into a greater truth, that he carefully concealed from me. He only ever drew my attention to 'dragons' on rare and fleeting occasions, whereby, I had little ongoing or intense overall interest in them. Dragons meant nothing to me. The 'Real' Dragon in my life, liked to keep it that way, least he be somehow discovered for who and what he was.
Baby Dragons For Children

Baby Dragon (Artwork By Coral Hull, Marker/Paper, Unframed, 21cm x 30cm, 1989)
This drawing titled 'Baby Dragon', was created in 1989. When The Dragon first started to have me draw him in my artwork. he did it in a harmless, non-threatening way, in order to condition me to his presence. or the presence of a living being, who is of non-human origin. What could be more harmless than a 'baby' dragon, or even an 'orphaned' baby dragon, ... that you just want to pick up, to hold and protect?
While writing these words, under the ongoing guidance of The Holy Spirit, I found the following four images of 'baby dragons', on the internet. The young woman in the illustration directly below, empathises with The Dragon, since her eyes have turned the same brown grey colour as his skin. The warmth and nuturing, provided by the girl to The Dragon, are suggested by the close proximity of the Dragon to her face and lips and the soft fur on the hemline of her clothing. The drawing is both sensual and intimate. The rings on the young woman's fingers and pierced through her nose, are in communion with the chain that is wrapped around The Dragon's body and suggest bondage and enslavement. The young woman has been captivated and is on her way, to becoming The Dragon's trophy, as a resident of Hell and the abyss.

Children Are Indoctrinated By Fallen Angels, To See Dragons As Companion Animals.
Baby Dragons Are Made To Look Cute, In Order For Children To Bond With Them.

Large Menancing Dragons, Are Represented As Goodly Magical Companions, To Children.
Many children are being programmed to accept the presence of fallen angels, into their lives, through the representation of baby dragons and children, often infants, befriending and trusting older dragons. This is a common theme in children's literature, with a specific purpose in mind, by those who control this artform.
Naughty And Harmless Dragons

Harbinger ... A Very Naughty And 'Harmless' Dragon, Who Suddenly Appeared In My Writing And Artwork.
During the first year of a Batchelor of Creative Arts degree at Wollongong University in 1985, I attempted and failed, to construct a fantasy world, using maps, plots and beings. Being autistic, imagination was not one of my strong points. I prefered to organise my world around me, by placing objects into straight lines and by making associations between things in order to understand them. The first creature from this 'imaginary world' to be sculpted, was named, 'Harbinger'. I had created another 'baby' dragon. But this one was a bit more mysterious and mischievous, than the original baby dragon that I had drawn. The naughty, the funny and the tricky, are representative of the true diabolical evil, beginning to manifest in an outward form, but in a seemingly harmless way. It does take long for this to start to occur, but the evil is still deeply disguised. It was over twenty years later, where The Dragon, now revealed by The Holy Spirit, refered to himself as 'Harbinger' and had this to say:

The Dragon Says That He Will Return, But He Requires My Mind, To Be Open [Accommodating] To His Influence.
The phrase was, "... Harbinger will be returning as a Black Lantern in the Blackest Night Crossover. (With her mind temporarily altered to make her more accommodating) ..." I was led to these words online, by The Dragon, at the appropriate moment, since when the communication occured in this way, it was all about timing and mediumship, so as to create an externalised synchronistic occurance, in conjunction with his telepathic communication. The Dragon required that I be in an altered state of consciousness, in order to gain more influence over me - trance state, meditation, mediumship, inspiration. These words were to show me, that 'Harbinger' [The 'real' Dragon], was not so 'cute' and 'harmless' afterall.

Dragon Sculpture, Made By Myself, While Under The Influence, Of A Real Dragon.
Another, 'harmless' and 'dopey' kind of dragon [above], made for my attempt at creating a fantasy world, just in case 'Harbinger' had been a little bit too naughty.

Dragon Illustration, Drawn By My Brother, While Under The Influence, Of A Real Dragon.
I still needed a proper dragon for this fantasy world, that I was attempting to create, but having no interest in them, I asked by younger brother, Brendon, to draw one for me. This is his drawing [above]. At the time Brendon was very interested in celtic heritage/ ancestry, paganism, druids, playing 'Dungeons and Dragons' and actively participating in The Society Of Creative Anachronism [The Medieval Society]. Satan worked on him over many years. Brendon married a catholic and is now an atheist.
The Dragon As Spiritual Predator
Once I left Wollongong University in 1988, The Dragon came down heavy on me for a few years. It was time to terrorise me for awhile and to make me believe that I had 'schizophrenia', which I knew that I did not. During this time, I felt like I was becoming mentally unstable, or having some kind of breakdown. This is one of the drawings that I did while channeling. It's called, 'Trapped Forever With Someone I Don't Want To Be With.' In this drawing, I added one of the two pictures of a dragon, that my brother Brendon had drawn for me. I often never had any idea why I did what I did, when I created art, since it was largely unconscious trance mediumship.

Trapped Forever (Artwork By Coral Hull, Mixed Media/Paper, 37cm x 53cm, 1987).
The drawing, 'Trapped Forever With Someone I Don't Want To Be With', shows a severely disrupted psychic landscape with one of the girls [in our multiple system], named Scarlet, being terrorised by The Dragon and another, named Cynthia, alseep [ie; a sleeper], who does not experience the same terror, because she is in s state of unconsciousness within the psyche. The colours represent the unconscious. The black claw like shapes throughout the drawing, represent demonic intrusion into the psyche. The yellow triangle shapes were representative of other fallen angels, since there is always more than one. It took 25 years for me to understand why I drew this and I could not have 'understood', without direct assistance from The Holy Spirit.

Night Mind (Artwork By Coral Hull, Marker/Paper, 21cm x 30cm, 1988).
Around this time, I began seeing a buddhist counseller named Gerade. In another channeled drawing titled 'Night Mind', The Dragon was to show me that they had control over him as well. The Dragon can also be seeing his second manifestation as an orb, or a sun in the background. Gerade meant well, but he was not as yet saved, being involved in Tibetan buddhism, which is both created and maintained by fallen angels, in order to keep people from the truth of God. So his counselling was ultimately flawed and therefore, it was useless against the fallen angels that had control over my life and his life as well. If anything, he would unknowingly lead me further into Satan's 'new age', by introducing me to The Australian Journal of Transpersonal Psychology, a publication created and maintained by fallen angels.

Chamonmile 2 (Artwork By Coral Hull, Marker/Paper, 27cm x 35cm, Unframed, 1989).
The Dragon is in his two forms in this drawing titled 'Chamonmile 2, drawn in 1988. In his world, he may manifests as a dragon. But in this [our] world, he is the giant orb. He is not necessarily golden, as is the orb is in this drawing, but he likes the colour gold and he likes golden things. Both representations are displayed. Note also, the black sun, which is a symbol that The Dragon attempted to have me become interested in, just before I was saved. It seems that God would only let him go so far, because I was not interested in accepting many of his invitations [temptations]. Then, it was really just a matter of The Dragon finding our where he could tempt me, which of course he did and he was successful at this, on a number of occasions.
More Ways In Which The Dragon Revealed Himself
The Dragon Aroused My Curiosity, In Regards To Non-Human Beings, With Images Such As This One.
I took a photograph of my hand against some granite boulder in central Australia. A few years later, The Dragon lead me to this picture, where he shows his hand to me. This would have been done to gauge my response. He would watch me and feel my thinking telepathically, in order to see whether I was attracted to it, afraid of it, confused by it, or disinterested in it. What he was after, was any kind of emotional response. My response at the time, was fascination and then it was stored inside my computer and forgotten about. The Dragon would have noted this with interest.

The Dragon [Fallen Cherubim], Displayed His Power, Or Influence Over Me, Via This Image.
The Dragon led me to this image, to show his power over me and my helplesness while under his power. The woman in the photo is in an altered mind state, with an appearance of drowsiness. She is meant to be me. The Dragon is dominating and sadistic and he gets a great deal of pleasure from images like this and in seeing my response to them. But my response at the time, oddly enough, was disinterest.

The Dragon [Fallen Cherubim], Displayed His Power, Or Influence Over Me, Via This Image.
At around the same time, The Dragon led me to this image, The final image of a Dragon that I was led to in late 2005, in order to show his power over me and my helplesness while under his power. Again, my response at the time was distinterest.
When The Dragon led me to these various images, I would be in a trance state. It was like having someone over your shoulder, seeing and influencing everything you saw, or came into contact with. Sometimes it was this experience was that intimate, that it felt as if we shared te one mind, that his thinking was my thinking and my thinking was his thinking. The reality was, that he dominated my thinking, by enforcing his will over my own. I believe that one way that he may have been able to do this, while I am still physical, was by affecting the electrical impulses in my brain, that led to biochemical reactions within my body. But he was only able to do this, when I was in a passive or receptive altered state of consciousness, the same 'states of mind' that all world religions think of as being spiritual, because the fallen angels have taught them that it is, in order to both access and influence their thinking.

Fallen Angels [Serpents/ Dragons] Self Represent, Through Clever Fables Or Fairy [Demon] Tales.
The Real Dragon Of My Dreams
After showing very little interest in images of dragons, he appeared to give up on this method for revealing himself, at least for awhile. The final image of The Dragon, came as a prose poem. In 2007 I wrote a poem titled, 'Dragon In My Dreams'. It was a channelled piece about glorifying and loving [worshipping] The Dragon, in his true form. I was 45 years old when I wrote this poem. It is no wonder that The Dragon later sardonically commented that, "the introductions had taken a little long."
The final image that I will include in my collection, is an image that The Holy Spirit led me to in 2012, of a woman mutilated by a pair of crocodiles. I was shown this in response to a thought that I had, about The Dragon and I being, 'the dream of each other.' What God was showing me by this illustration, is the truth behind what would occur to my spirit, if The Dragon and I, did become ... 'the dream of each other.'

When The Dragon And I Exchanged Dreams, I Didn't Expect That There Would Be A Price To Pay.
Once one knows the truth, it is impossible to tolerate this satanic programming that these demonically in-spired artists put out. Remembering always, that it is not the artists, who are the enemy. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." [Ephesians 6:12, The Holy Bible, KJV] The artists are just as programmed as the children, that they have been 'employed' to indoctrinate. "[And] we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." [1 John 5:19, The Holy Bible, KJV]. All deceived humans are victims of Satan and those who are athiests, satanists and creative artists, who 'sell their souls to the devil' for short-lived worldly fame and fortune, are the most deceived of all. The swift indoctrination of children, remains an important part of Satan's war plan.
Peter Paul & Mary - Puff the Magic Dragon [1965]. |