This above 'selves' portrait is of Celeste, sleeping on the sand by the ocean. It is called 'Daydream' and was created in about thirty minutes via channeling in 1991, while studying at the South Australian College of Advanced Education. In this drawing, Celeste is in her human form. Only her gnarled and twisted hand, with the elongated fingers, gives any indication, of some kind of genetic and/ or internalised corruption, or that she is [demonised and/ or of demonic origins], that is; owned by The Dragon. Being asleep or day dreaming, is an altered state of consciousness, that allows fallen angels and demons, easier access to the mind, in order to influence. In The Holy Bible, the Apostle Paul, exorts people to stay awake. "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” [Ephesians 5:14, The Holy Bible, KJV]

This above 'selves' portrait is of Adelia, sleeping on the sand by the ocean. It is called 'Nightmare' and was created straight after "Daydream", via channeling in 1991, while studying at the South Australian College of Advanced Education.

I was led to this image in 2005. Again, this is of another woman who is underwater.

And this ... I was also 'inspired' or 'prompted' to keep these images in my files.

The Dragon led me to alot of images, featuring Cupid and Psyche. I didn't relate to them at all, but they gradually 'grew on me', so I eventually looked up who they were, in order to find out about the the meaning behind the image. I had no prior interest in cherubs. What The Dragon was doing, was showing me images of a cherubim angel, seducing a human woman, or seducing the psyche of the woman.

When I was in Versai, France in 2002, I was 'inspired' by The Dragon, while in a trance state, during which time he directed me telepathically, to take a series of photographs. This is one of the photographs. It shows a marble statue of a half draped woman, in an altered state of consciousness, before a chandelier. One of the ways in which fallen angels, have themselves represented in architecture, is as chandeliers. This is symbollic of them overseeing, influencing and owning the occupants in the room, ensuring that the fallen angels are worshipped, as the centre piece. In this photo, The Dragon was expressing that the chandelier was him and the statue was me, thereby placing him, as a presence and power, in my life.

I also took this photo in Versai, not understanding why I took it ... only that I was 'inspired' or 'instructed' to take it. As I looked at the photos on my laptop, after I had taken them, The Dragon impressed upon my mind, that the chandeliers were representative of living things. I accepted this, although it felt a little bit strange, looking at them in this way. I now believe that the group of suspended chandeliers, representsd the group of fallen angels, that The Dragon was associated with. While I was not told this at the time, absorbing these images, perhaps, acting as a kind of predictive programming, in order to psychologically condition me, into accepting the presence of fallen angels, in their many self representative forms, that appear in arts, culture and architecture. Many years later, The Dragon sent me an email, telling me that I was 'invited to a group'. Fallen angels rarely work alone, either working with others, or with demons, in what appears to be, a loose militaristic hierarchy, under their leader, Satan. I include the copies of these emails below:

I was sent this email, after I made a decision, to accept Jesus Christ, as my personal Lord and saviour. The Dragon was obviously, still vying for my attention.

I was 'told' that this email refered to some people I had met, at The Arthur Findlay College, but I now think it was The Dragon, refering to his colleagues, in Australia.

Royal Palace Group. The Dragon refering to the demons Mack and Boots and their group from The Royal Mile, where The Royal Palace is, in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The Dragon refering to the 'Royal Mile' group, as a group of freaks. This was done, after I had refered to Mackenzie [the demon] as a 'freak', to an aquaintence, Mick Fit [see testimony], whereupon leaving my apppointment, I then saw a car sticker, that was placed directly in front of me, with the words, "God bless the freaks".

The Dragon liked to have me become totally absorbed in images, such as paintings, while he involved himself in stimulating, manipulating and affecting the chemicals and hormones in my body, and then he would telepathically communicate with me, that what I was feeling, as I absorbed the images, was about himself and myself, in a relationship to each other. He did this alot and the woman was nearly always passive, drowsy, asleep, dying, dead or in another altered state of consciousness.

In this image, the woman is drowsy or asleep and perhaps even drifting off, under some kind of love sickness, since she softly smiles, as she rests her head, upon her lover's draped thigh. The Dragon would have me asleep [as in death and an earthly darkness], yet there are many verses in The Holy Bible, that would have us wide awake [as in life and a heavely light]. The Apostle Paul says, "Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed. The night is almost gone, and the day is near. Therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.” [Romans 13:11-12 , The Holy Bible, KJV] "Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.” [1 Thessalonians 5:6, The Holy Bible, KJV]

In this image, the woman is dead.

The Dragon would consistently lead me to images of "Cupid" and "Psyche", in order to express his ideas/ desires, of how he saw/ or wanted our relationship to be. I innocently absorbed all of these images, while he exerted his will over mine. It's hard to explain the feelings I got from this. It was like some huge and powerful consciousness, who knew every part of me, was totally in love with me. Who could resist/ refuse such a hypnosis, when it was coming from the one, who originally created and programmed, our system of multiple consciousness? In this image, Cupid [a fallen cherubim angel in human form], is awake and in control of the relationship, whereas Psyche [the human woman], is asleep, or unconscious.
Fallen angels rely on unsaved people being unconscious, asleep, unaware of the truth. This is a relationship involving one's power/ control over another. It is not the kind of relationship, that Jesus has with his children, which is one of Lordship and friendship. "Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” [John 15:15, The Holy Bible, KJV]

In this image, the woman is dead and is being attended to by a half human hybrid.

This is another 'digitally enchanced' photo, taken by Caitlin Poulton, at Froghole, in Purnululu [Bungle Bungle] National Park, in Western Australia, where my eyes are closed, that is representative of me either being asleep, unconscious or dead.

The Dragon then influenced me, to place my 'sleeping' portrait, into an artwork.

The piece is called 'The Divine Sun'. At the time of creating this artwork in 2008, I did not know what it represented or why I made it, only that it felt good to do it and that I liked it alot. The Dragon had obviously been pleased with the result. This artwork is about the acknowledgment of his 'divinity' and worshipping him, while in altered state of consciousness with The Dragon being represented in his orb form, as the sun, or 'divine' light source, in the centre. This was one of the many large, framed art pieces, that hit the Batchelor tip dumpster floor in 2016.

This image is a climax of The Dragon's ultimate fantasy and I remember that he appeared 'pleased' that I had found it and that I was studying it. For The Dragon, the final victory, was to change me into a hybrid or a human with birds wings, or something else, that would corrupt my original form, something other, than God Almighty, had created me to be. And then to have me unconscious as in death, to die for him, sacrificed on the alter of his image. After all these thousands of years, The Dragon, as a fallen angel, still desires worship, blood sacrifice from human beings and to be held in the same high esteem, as God Almighty. It still appears, that when these angels fell from grace, that they now carry this original desire within them, as some kind of permanent curse, perhaps a reminder, of why they fell, in the first place. Today, I am no longer the unconscious, sleeping, drowning dreaming woman, posing for The Dragon's directed creativity. Instead, I am wide awake, liberated from his shackles forever, the MK Ultra breaking down and The Dragon's deepest desires exposed, and all his fatal fantasies, like the earth beneath my feet, to be finally disregarded and to be trodden upon. "Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” [Luke 10:19, The Holy Bible, KJV] So today, more than ever before, I am a revived Christian woman, who is fully awake. |