Swept Away Into The Mind Of A Powerful Enemy, Who Desired To Exert His Will Over My Own.
In early 2014, The Holy Spirit revealed to me, that there was a connection between The Dragon [a fallen angel/ serpent] and 'water', 'rivers' and 'the ocean'. He appeared to be some kind of leviathan. Once this was revealed to me, I was able to trace this oceanic/ water connection, back through all my artwork, photography and even my writing. I also shared the psyche with a mermaid hybrid self, Celeste, created by him and for him, as some kind of bizarre sexual interest, a play thing. He also fantasised about me being a mermaid, and had me draw a series of self portraits where I had a tail, fins, scales, long gnarly fingers and was obviously non-human, an amphibian.
When I was born on 12/12/1965 my mother named by Coral Hull after The Coral Sea off the northern coastline of Australia. The name has obviously oceanic overtones, being words describing a marine invertebrate and the Hull of a ship. Crystal was the other name that my mother had wanted to call me, but under a powerful guidance, that she could not have imagined at the time, she settled upon the oceanic couplet.
Underwater Conditioning
As a young child, I used to spend hours and hours playing in water, floating around the Clarkes Rubber swimming pool and laying beneath the sun, on the old trampoline at Rose Street, Liverpool, Sydney. My father, who was also under the influence of The Dragon, taught me how to swim beneath the water, but not on top of the water, followed by my two younger brothers. In the end, my mother became concerned that we were swimming underwater all the time, so she had us take proper swimming lessons at the local pool, so that we would learn how to swim, above the water.
While I was too young to have sexual feelings or understanding, I may have been five or six years old, there was someone The Dragon sent to me, as part of my early conditioning, into accepting him, as my god and/ or master. It was not a family member, or a friend of the family, but it was an acquaintance who used to, on a number of occasions, but not too many, attempt to dominate me underwater. While the act was in no way sexual, The Dragon did affect my biochemistry, so that whatever they were doing, felt both frightening and pleasurable. It felt confusing. Mostly, this was blocked from my mind and the person involved is as a dim memory.

In The Pool At Rose Street, Being Fathered By The Dragon And Mothered By A Blow-Up Swan.
When Celeste became conscious within our multiple system of consciousness, I felt the constant need to jump into water. One trip I went in with my partner, Eddie, in my early twenties, I remember jumping into at least seven rivers and lakes. The car would be stopped and then I would leave it behind, to go plunging into the water, once jumping straight off a weir at Shepparton in Victoria. I had to be rubbed down after cramping up from the cold at Minnamurra Falls in New South Wales and was at home in plunge pools and rocks around waterfalls. There was always the sensation of feeling wild and otherworldly. The Dragon told me, that each time I went beneath the water and came up again, that it was a baptism and that I was being baptised.
An Introduction To Mermaids
As The Dragon really began to seduce me in my late thirties, he saw fit to lead me to more and more images of mermaids, until I had a whole collection of them and could not get enough of them. Under his influence, I found half-human and half-fish attractive and fascinating. He also showed me images of mermaids with human men, [sailors] and told me that as an otherworldly being, only part human, I could never find love in a human male. He was my only love. That is when I began the poem, 'Mermaid: Woman On The Edge Of The Sea', inspired by The Dragon and the painting 'The Mermaid' by W. C. Waterhouse, that hung on my bedroom wall in Leanyer.

The Mermaid by W.C. Waterhouse.
My friend, Marie, had been disturbed by the expression on the face of this half woman/ half fish being, but I responded to it with intensity and curiosity. The more otherworldly, strange, unpredictable and foreign, the more I was attracted to it. The Dragon also began to show me, just a few images, of human women being abducted by mermen [half man/ half fish] hybrids, in order to gauge my response to them.

I Deveolped An Insatiable Interest In Mermaids, As The Dragon Lead Me To More And More Images.
In 2001, The Dragon accompanied me to The Galapagos Islands [Eucador] and told me that there were mermaids in the area. I was completely at home, edging away from the small tour group, plunging into open ocean, around ancient extinct volcanic formations with the local seals, or laying with sea iguanas in amongst the rocks and sand, sensing their deep time and what felt like surf, through their psyches for eons. At other times, I dreamt of living beneath the water and of breathing through gills.
The Beauty Underneath. Not!
Fallen angels promote hybrids, because this was a result of their genetic experiments and/ or inbreeding with human women [Genesis 6]. Fallen angels play God and thus they want to participate in creation and the destruction of God's creation simultaneously. Genetic destruction through genetic engineering and/ or cross species breeding, are two ways, in which they can achieve this purpose. During this clip below, Andrew Lloyd Webber, under the influence of fallen angels, promotes hybrids, in a song called, 'The Beauty Underneath', which invites us to see hybrids as attractive, in order that we emotionally sympathise with them, in oder to form relationships with them. I believe that this greatly assists Satan, in what is about to befall the earth, namely, a full blown demonic invasion, heralded by fallen angels, in Satan's final attempt to destroy God's creation, that He made in His own image.

The Hybrid Human Fish Amphibian Began To Look More & More Beautiful, Even Spiritual.
It Seems So Beautiful, So Strange Yet Beautiful ...
In this song from Love Never Dies, by Andrew Lloyd Webber, The Phantom delivers a question to the child Gustav as follows, "When the dark unfolds its wings/ do you sense the strangest things?/ Things no-one would ever guess". The song has particular reference to my situation, since The Dragon posed as the character of The Phantom of the Opera and led me into such a darkness, that without Jesus, I became helpless to resist further envelopment. It was similar to coming under the powerful mesmerism of giant black tarantula, where I found less and less chance of escape.
The music clip, featuring both mermaid hybrids, spider-like hybrids and hybrids with extremely long and gnarled fingers, is designed to indoctrinate the educated public into accepting the demonic into their lives, without judgment or discernment. In doing so, they will succumb to the seduction and God will allow this to happen. Like the majority of the world's composers and songwriters, Andrew Lloyd Webber has been utilised greatly by fallen angels and has been appropriately rewarded for doing so. Andrew Lloyd Webber is different, [perhaps on the autism spectrum and/ or genius] and so the fallen angels would predate on his differences, in order to get him to empathise with hybrids, who are also 'different'. Hence Andrew Lloyd Webber would be deceived, into promoting the enemy of humankind. The more he was rewarded, the more he would see this as acceptable, in that 'God' was rewarding him for his contribution to the world, ruled by Satan. The path to Hell taken by unwary and deceived artists, must sadden Jesus, on levels one could not hope to imagine.

I Was Being Groomed To Be A Bride Of The Dragon, A Trophy To Display Before Heaven And Hell.
By teaching me to embrace the darker side as beautiful, to be curious about it and to empathise with it, was to be slowly and finally seduced by it. The Dragon's mind was behind this, a mind vastly superior to mine in its knowledge, its ability to deceive generations of human beings and its thousands of years old intelligence. By having me fall a captive to darkness, disfigurement, hybrids and freak shows, was to introduce evil into my life, that once it had surfaced from this cacophony of images and associations, it would not be easy to untangle myself from it. The Dragon's ultimate aim, was to have me be fascinated by him, to empathise with him, to accept him, to embrace him, to love him and to fall in love with him, in all his darkness, that could not be reconciled with God. To The Dragon 'love' is worship.
I was being groomed to be a bride of The Dragon, a 'Christian' sacrifice To Apollo [Apollyon], a trophy to display before Heaven and Hell. But I had to be deceived into doing this, of my own free will, since Our Father allows us this choice and so, for me, as a multiple, adopted and groomed by The Dragon since birth, this process of seduction, would involve intense levels mind control and deep levels of deception. The Dragon refered to me as a trophy, three years after I was saved, in 2013. He was not interested in me, as such, only in that I was a Christian, that being, claimed by Jesus. My true value came from The Dragon's intense hatred towards God Almighty and his determination, to snatch away that which belonged to Jesus.

Perhaps A More Likely Scenario Of What A Mermaid Might Actually Look Like In The Spirit?
Footnote: The Holy Spirit does not approve of the song 'The Beauty Underneath', from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical Love Never Dies, because one day when I was mindlessly singing it, while doing chores in the cottage, holy angels of God blacked the place out, so that the song stopped playing, as my computer was switched off. They then told me, that it was okay to listen to it, in regards to my testimony, but warned me against listening to it outside of and aside from that purpose. When finally confronted with The Dragon both as cherubim, leviathan and a ball of light, my reaction was similar to the child Gustasv's in this video clip. The Dragon had spent many years of my physical life on earth, making sure that I would never escape from him. But one moment of truth from God Almighty, on who the 'love of my life' really was behind the mask, had me fleeing for my eternal life, in the opposite direction.
The Beauty Underneath - Andrew Lloyd Webber |