An Image Shown To Me By The Dragon, When I Visited The Theosophical Society Bookshop In Sydney.
The first image that I remember being shown of a mermaid hybrid, or a woman associated with water, was when I was led by The Dragon to The Theosophical Bookshop in Sydney at 13 years of age. I had never seen anything like these kinds of images before and I found them so mesmerising, that I purchased the image [above] by artist Susan Seddon Boulet, so that I could keep looking at it, not realising at the time, that this was akin to watching a movie or listening to a song over and over again. It was a form of conditioning or programming. So begins a long series of selves portraits, that I created, through acting as channel to The Dragon and being persuaded and informed by images that he led me to, in order to firstly introduce and then to slowly and subtlely continue to develop the idea, of turning me into a 'mermaid hybrid' for his malicious pleasure and my spiritual destruction. The Dragon is in the [above] image, in his orb form, as the full moon that the woman rests her head upon, while in an altered state of consciousness, as represented by the spiral shape on her forehead, which is most often associated with being under hypnosis.
Reed-Song Hybridisation

Reed-Song (Artwork By Coral Hull, Marker/Paper, 21cm x 30cm, Unframed, 1988).
This black and white line drawing is titled, 'Reed-Song', is an artistic 'selves' portrait of Celeste, drawn via channeling in 1988. In 2014, The Holy Spirit revealed to me, that in this piece, the mermaid alien hybrid, Celeste, is a copycat image of, 'The Woman of the Apocalypse' from Revelations. "A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars." [Revelations 12:1, The Holy Bible, KJV]. In ths case, I hold the sun, moon, and a water source, as elements of the natural world, rather than the heavenly kingdom, as The Dragon, [the sun], rises to breathtaking glorification.
The Dragon had me portray myself as being created from, or coming from the ocean. Under his influence, minions of demons rise up beneath me, as if to enter my form, in acknowledgement and support. I am without my own voice, because by my channeling, The Dragon has now become my voice and will soon become my saviour via deception. Rather than 'The Woman Of The Apocalypse' of Revelation 12, who represents the church, in the days before the second coming of Jesus, I have become 'The Hybrid Of The Apocalypse', under the dominion and servitude of The Dragon.
The drawing 'Reed-Song', goes with a poem that I wrote of the same title, while studying at Wollongong University. The Dragon rewarded me for writing about himself and I, in a romantic relationship, by allowing me to win The Philip Larkin Prize for Poetry at The University of Wollongong in 1987. While I never could participate in the wine and cheese socialising, that went on at The School Of Creative Arts, I still felt that it was 'nice' to be acknowledged for my work. This is why God warns us not to look to to men for approval or reward. "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." [Psalm 118:8, The Holy Bible, KJV]. Outside of Jesus, all humans are under the influence of Satan. "And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness." [1 John 5:19, The Holy Bible, KJV].

Hybrid [Horse/ Mermaid] Illustration, Drawn By My Brother, While Under The Influence Of The Dragon.
During the first year of a Batchelor of Creative Arts degree, at Wollongong University in 1985, I attempted and failed, to construct a fantasy world, using maps, plots and beings. One of the limited group of creatures from this 'imaginary world' to be sculpted, was refered to as a 'Rousinlouse'. I described the creature to my younger brother, Brendon, and asked him to draw one for me. This is his drawing [above].

River Journey (Artwork By Coral Hull, Marker/Paper, 21cm x 30cm, Unframed, 1989).
This black and white line drawing [above] is titled, 'River Journey', is an artistic portrait of my partner at the time, Eddie, drawn via channeling in 1988. I had persuaded Eddie to get into an inflatable raft and paddle approx. 300kms along the Darling River from Brewarrina to Bourke, during the peak of a winter flood, with only a few sandwiches, that were eaten the first day. During this trip, I drew a channeled portrait of Eddie as a 'merman-hybrid', while under the influence of The Dragon. The Dragon appears in this portrait in his orb form, as the sun, hidden behind a cloud.

Ocean Rising (Artwork By Coral Hull, Mixed Media/Paper, 42cm x 59cm, 1989).
A portrait of the mermaid self, Celeste, drawn under channeling by myself in 1989. This pencil drawing is titled 'Ocean Rising'. Here we have The Dragon [fallen angel] coming up out of the ocean, in order the take his position in the sky, whereupon he influences and impact my life, turning me into the mermaid hybrid, whose name Celeste, was revealed to me in 2004. The Dragon clearly shows his origins as being not only amphibian or reptilian, but in being from the seas as The Leviathan. This is the college version of the black and white line drawing 'Reed-Song' drawn in 1988. Here, the development has occurred, where the sun is no longer held by the self of Celeste, but instead, it is fully risen and shining down upon her, in all of its glory.

Mermaids (Artwork By Coral Hull, Mixed Media, Size Unknown, Unframed, 1991).
The drawing [above] is titled, 'Mermaids'. It was drawn via channeling while in my first year of a Batchelor of Conceptual Arts degree, at The South Australian College of Advanced Education in 1990. Mermaid hybrids are [fallen angels/ and or demon spirits] that inhabit the oceans. The artists who draw mermaids, rely on the tutelage of fallen angels and/ or demons to assist them in representing beings, that exist in the spirit, or in another dimension. They desire represented in 'graven' images, carved or visual, in order to be acknowledged and ultimately glorified as gods.

Aquarius (Artwork By Coral Hull, Mixed Media/Paper, 30cm x 42cm, Unframed, 1991).
A selves portrait of a giantess Adelia [from our multiple system of consciousness], leaping up out of the ocean before the full moon. It is called 'Aquarius' and was created in about ten minutes via channeling in 1991, while studying at The South Australian College of Advanced Education. This again shows The Dragon's fantasy of me existing as a mermaid. Fallen angels will have themselves disguised/ and inserted into works of art, in their orb form, as suns and moons. As a mermaid, I am jumping up to praise and worship him, as a moon. Fallen angels do not see 'love', in the same way that humans do. When a human falls in love, it is a biochemical and emotional response for the purpose of procreation. Since angels are not in the physical, then they do not experience 'love' like we do, as humans. Angels see 'love' as 'worship'.

Daydream (Artwork By Coral Hull, Pencil/Paper, 21cm x 30cm, Unframed, 1991).
This above 'selves' portrait is of Celeste, sleeping on the sand by the ocean. It is called 'Daydream' and was created in about thirty minutes via channeling in 1991, while studying at the South Australian College of Advanced Education. In this drawing, Celeste is in her human form. Only her gnarled and twisted hand, with the elongated fingers, gives any indication, of some kind of genetic and/ or internalised corruption, or that she is [demonised and/ or of demonic origins], that is; owned by The Dragon. Being asleep or day dreaming, is an altered state of consciousness, that allows fallen angels and demons easier access to the mind, in order to influence.

The Dragon Desired That My Interest And Sympathies, Be Focused On Sea Animals And Reptiles.
Photo of myself taken by a passer by, on Kangaroo Island in South Australia in 1985. In this photo, I had run off to lay down beside a small group of wild seals on an isolated beach. I was at home in wilderness areas, isolated places of wild weather, often alone, desiring to be there as much as I could. The Dragon liked that I should be there with him. It was actually very dangerous to be so close to wild seals and after a short time of laying around with them, one of them [the seal who is turning towards me], suddenly attacked, chasing me quite a way along the sand. The self in control of the psyche at the time this photo was taken, was Veronica [Sparky], under the influence of the internalised 'seal maiden' Celeste. If no humans had been present, I may have remained on the beach, interacting with seals, for many hours.

Under The Dragon's Guidance, I Would Change Myself Into Hybrid Creatures, Through My Artwork.
The above 'selves' portrait is of Celeste, as a hybrid 'mermaid' spirit coming out and suspended within the stone. It was created [channeled] around 2003 while living at Ridgehaven Circuit in Leanyer, Northern Territory. I am again represented in a state of sleeping, ie; an altered state of consciousness. The Dragon has been incorporated into the picture, as a set of flying wings, appearing in the upper right hand side.

Under The Dragon's Influence, I Saw Hybrid Creatures As Interesting, Beautiful And In Need Of Our Love.
An illustration of a mermaid hybrid, created by another artist and surrounded by a guilded frame. This was found online as directed by The Holy Spirit during 2013. All artists are under demonic influence with very few, if any, exceptions to that rule. The role of the creative artist in human society, is to educate and indoctrinate the public, through a combination of intellectualism and emotionalism, and the call of the mysterious, as in 'where art comes from.' Schools, colleges, universities and other institutions, are set up and run by fallen angels/ demons, to assist in this indoctrination, where both the artist and their audience, fall under the same influences. The more potential the artist has of promoting the adversaries position, the more they will be rewarded within the culture, they have helped to promote and uphold. This is why, in art, anything goes ... "Do as thou wilt." [Aliester Crowley].
Art and ethics are acceptable to Satan, but art and God are not compatible and any artists being seen to be Christian, will be recognised as a threat by the fallen angels, who will work through human beings, to have them ostracised and persecuted. A worldly cultured society with an appreciation of fine arts [idolatory], it is ultimately a place, that a true Christian would not wish to remain, for any length of time. God does not want Christians involved in creative arts. |
All creative art is worldly, owned, operated an intiated by Satan, his fallen angels and their legions of demons, under a loose military hierarchy. Artists who uphold the world, are therefore the enemies of God. "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." [James 4:4, The Holy Bible, KJV].

The Dragon Kept Leading Me To Images Of Hybrid Women Or Mermaids Saying That Was Me.
The Dragon led me to the image [above] during 2003, moments before our multiple system of consciousness was discovered. It is called 'Gypsy Medina' by artist David Deleware and shows the mermaid hybrid as sensual and alluring. Deleware is yet another successful artist under demonic influence, but at what cost to his spirit?

The Dragon Always Wanted Me In Water. After I Was Saved, He Refered To Me As 'The Black Pearl'.
The Dragon lead me to this image [above] during 2007 titled 'The Wave And The Pearl', as part of his indoctrination. He was always trying to get me to see myself as some kind of voluptuous naked woman, lolling about by the ocean. When Jesus saved me in late 2009 and I came under direct diabolical attack from The Dragon and his demons, he refered to me as 'The Black Pearl'. This was in reference to the pearl of great price, who is Jesus Christ, in the The Holy Bible, "Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.." [Mathew 13:46, The Holy Bible, KJV]. The Dragon made this reference to mock Jesus and myself, since he had always known that I belonged to Jesus. The Dragon would often use Biblical references, but twisted them to suit his own diabolical purposes. I had no defense against the lies of The Dragon, because I had never read The Holy Bible.

The Dragon Fantasised About Me Drowning And Offering Myself [My Spirit] To Him, In The Ocean.
The Dragon lead me to the above image of a naked woman, floating above and captured by the waves, during 2007, as part of his indoctrination. He seemed to alternate between images of naked women and mermaid hybrids, developing my interest and attraction in various artistic representations them, over a long period of time, with the ultimate purpose of dehumanisation [that being; of the sexes and the species made in God's image], in conjunction with our eternal spiritual destruction.

The Dragon Was Extremely Possessive. He Accused Me Of Displaying Myself, To The Demon Mackenzie.
Yet another portrait shown to me by the Dragon in late 2009, where he was accusing me of 'doing this' outside of the tomb of George Mackenzie in Greyfriars Kirkyard, Edinburgh, Scotland, in order to 'display myself' in an openly sexually submissive position to Mackenzie [The Mackenzie Poltergeist], with the purpose of enticing him.
It was revealed to me by The Holy Spirit in 2013, that The Dragon had led me to Edinburgh, in order to have me become more involved with ancestral spirits and then had become murderously jealous and possessive, when I innocently and foolishly empathised with Mackenzie's situation as a spirit, who was an attraction for tourists. I did not know that 'Mackenzie' was a demon, until it was revealed to me by God.

This Is My Final Drawing Of A Mermaid Hybrid, Under The Dragon's Influence, Before Being Saved By Jesus. |