The Fish Human Hybrid, Longing For Two Worlds or Dimensions, But Belonging To Neither.
I was unable to struggle out of this consciousness, that The Dragon had created inside me, as the self he named Celeste. When she took over, every inch of my being appeared to go her way. She was similar to Eve, but more mature. She was a swooning, mindless, untamed, sensual, innocent, otherworldly adult self. The Dragon had made her into his perfect partner. In reality, it was the closest that he could get to Eve, [the primary half of the original twin self, who had gone into hiding, when the torture and splitting had first begun]. Eve was the one that he really wanted, because to destroy her, would be to destroy one who abided with The Holy Spirit. Eve was also human. The Dragon required an otherwordly hybrid substitute, when he created the mermaid, Celeste, so that she became another one of his 'pet dolls'.
There was a worldly sensuality involved with the creatures, that The Dragon taught me to love, such as the dugong. While this was not sexual in nature, it was certainly physical and it involved an ever deepening empathy and focused intensity, in loving the creature, or the creation of God, rather than the creator, God Himself. Father was to personally deal with this 'idolatry', once I was saved. |
My Deep Love Of Animals Had To Be Dealt With, Since It Stood In The Way, Of My Relationship With God.
Through the conditioning of The Dragon, the natural world and the animals in it took on a sacredness or holiness, where everything was beauitiful, including death, so that death was no more. The Dragon attempts to have his millions of human conduits create a false heaven upon earth. This lie can be seen in every human made religion and fallen angel inspired culture worldwide, except Jesus, who is truth and the way.
While it is okay to love and care about animals, or 'all creatures great and small', as God Himself cares about all of His creation, it is not okay to make an idol out of animals, or to place our love of them before our love of God. To do so, under the curse of suffering and death, can only lead to anguish and heartbreak. We must place our love and trust in God/ Jesus first and foremost, for our spiritual well being.

The Dragon Desired That I Create Portraits Of Myself As Hybrid [Part Human/ Animal/ Plant] Through My Artwork.
The Dragon not only had me focused on the natural world, he adorned me with its harvest. It was the snare of those who would add flowers to their hair, equate the branches of trees with human limbs, worship the oceans as mother, learn to run like the elk and grow tails and fins within the psyche, now infested and overerun with the demonic spirits of the hybrids. This transformation is life to the demon, a war medal to the fallen angel, but it is death to the human, who is created in the image of God.
When Two Worlds Do Not Collide

The Dragon Made It Virtually Impossible, For Me To Be Involved In A Relationship, With Another Human Being.
The Dragon used this painting, whenever I might consider becoming involved with someone, such as in starting a relationship. There was a constant reminding me that this could never be, because I was not from the world of humans. This was shown to me by representing me as a 'mermaid' coupled by the feeling desperation, in knowing that the two fated lovers would never meet, due to different mindsets, habitats and bloodlines. The Dragon convinced me that I belonged to him, because I was only half human. This had to do with an ancestral bloodline, involving genetic interference.
The Dragon used this mind control to keep me for himself, beause he, in being non-human, he would be the only one to understand me, or to love me, in the way that I needed. I remember staring sadly at this painting back in 2007 and feeling a longing to be in a relationship with a human, but knowing that it was not possible to enter into a relationship with one. I now see The Dragon in this painting, as the moon [an orb of bright light] and his ever present control over my life. So that in the end, alone and detached from human society, I would continually turn back, only to him.
Abduction & Transformation

The Dragon Lead Me To Images Of Human Women, Being Abducted By Angels And Hybrid Creatures.
In amongst the images of mermaids that The Dragon led me to, was the occasion abduction of a human woman by a hybrid being [the demon spirits of the sea.] As spirit, they inhabited both their dimension and our dimension simultaneously, with more powerful demons and fallen angels, capable of affecting our thoughts and our biochemistry, as soon as we moved outside of the protection of The Holy Spirit.
The abduction that takes place, is one involving our consciousness/ or our soul. We struggle against this intrusion, but until God reveals to us, what is actually occuring, we will not come to understand the nature of the demonic realm and its insidious impact upon our body and soul. Only a Christian equiped for spiritual warfare, is able to counteract this intrusion, since the real enemies of humanity are alive and well.

The above photo of me was taken by Caitlin Poulton in 2002, at Frog Hole Gorge in The Kimberley, Western Australia, while on an assignment, sponsored by The Australia Council for the Arts. In 2006, while living on Progress Drive in Nightcliff, back in the Northern Territory, I was looking through my photos, when I suddenly noticed that something was 'wrong' with my fingers. My fingers on both hands were mishapen and appeared to be approximately 4cm longer than they should have been.

A close up of the photo, where my fingers appear to be 4cm longer than they actually are. I calculated this by measuring my fingers with a ruler and estimating the add on.

A close up from the selves portrait 'Ocean Rising', showing the alien hybrid mermaid self, of Celeste, drawn in 1988. I noted that The Dragon often had me draw portraits of my selves, where my fingers were long, gnarly and twisted, with a claw like appearance. They were also amphibian, with the blue skin being demonic [celtic].

A photo of my fingers as they should look like a few days after the photo at Frog Hole Gorge was taken in 2002. In this photo, I am changing a 4WD tyre, after a blow out on The Great Northern Hwy out of Broome, in Western Australia. While my fingers have never been straight, they were not the same length as in the photo taken by Caitlin at Frog Hole Gorge. You can clearly see the white nails on my two middle fingers and that I am still wearing the same clothes, as when the photo was taken.

Three images of my hands [above], taken at differet times in my life, with the two external photos, showing what my hands really look like, in comparison to the distortion of my hands in the centre photo. I placed these photos together, in order to email another 'new ager', author Paul Von Ward, to see if he knew what was going on with this. He didn't know. Nor did anyone else. So it remained a mystery to me. But at the time, with a knowledge in the paranormal, I assumed that there had been some kind of manipulation, or interference with the camera film, by a consciousness existing outside my own. As to what the purpose of this was, I was still in the dark.
Selves Portraits: Celeste
A couple of years before I discovered that I was a multiple consciousness, [ie; in having MPD - Multiple Personality Disorder], I began to take a series of photographic self [selves] portraits. It was my way of trying to find out what was going on, since I knew that my life was very strange, not as it should be, filled with a plethora of individual selves, who appeared to be constantly influenced and assaulted, by a consciousness outside of my own. I was also having trouble remembering who I was and there were memories and experiences half-remembered and disjointed, places and people unaccounted for. There was rarely a feeling of being alone, as I was surrounded from the outside in ... In 2009, The Dragon told me, that I was being 'engineered' from the inside out. The Dragon indicated, that he had a specific and personal interest in genetic engineering. |
Photographic 'Selves' Portrait Of The Mermaid Hybrid Self, 'Celeste', Taken In Outback Australia, 2000.
These photographic selves portraits, were to prove invaluable documentation a few years later, assisting me with discovering who was living 'in there' with me, since the same selves would appear again and again in different photos with their own facial expressions and characteristics. One hand took the photos, while each one of them came though. Some did not come through to be photographed, but others, such as Veronica [Sparky], while shy and evasive, loved it when attention focused on her.

Ocean Rising - Detail (Artwork By Coral Hull, Mixed Media/Paper, 42cm x 59cm, 1989).
The above 'selves' portrait of Celeste, was drawn via channeling in 1989. I note that the facial expression on this channeled portrait, is similar to the photograph of the self of 'Celeste', taken in 2000: the dopey uneven eyes, downturned mouth, as if in sadness and/ or shock. The nose, the hazel green eyes, the eyebrows, bright red hair, ear piercing belong to me. The blue skin, scales, elongated fingers and pointed ears are additions, created by The Dragon, as he used me as a conduit, in order to bring his creation, Celeste, to life through art. The orange beams are coming from the sun [The Dragon], to affect and control the consciousness of the self being bathed in them. The thousands of dots, represent demonic spirit orbs and were drawn to incite and maintain a meditative [trance state], or a process of channeling, whereby The Dragon was more easily able to access and affect my consciousness.
The Dragon Fantasised About Me Drowning And Offering Myself [My Spirit] To Him, In The Ocean.
Exactly ten years after I had drawn the Celeste portrait, with her blue skin and swirling red hair, I was to get my hair coloured the same red. The Holy Spirit has since revealed to me, that the reason that The Dragon had me represent myself, with the swirling red hair in my artwork, is that it was representative of the hair of a woman under the water. Like us, fallen angels are individuals, with their own likes and dislikes. The Dragon obviously had a personal preference for bright red hair.

The Dragon Fantasised About Me Being A [Human/ Reptile] Hybrid. He Told Me That This Image Was Me.
By the time The Dragon led me to this image, I was wandering the streets of Paris, in France, being led by him, to everything that he wanted to show me, in regards to our relationship, gods and goddesses, angels in love with human woman, and the existence of mythological hybrids. I had no idea at the time who he was, only that I was encapsulated by a consciousness greater than my own and forced by an all pervading sense of longing and desire for interaction with this mind, not my own.
The Dragon was the seducer posing as soulmate, the advice giver, The 'counterfiet' Holy Spirit and an anti-christ spirit. When I picked up this card at Boubou Art Gallery, The Dragon told me that it was me and I knew that it was, the moment his thought entered my mind. I thought, ... that is me. I 'knew' that I was non-human, or half-human. The Dragon had finally been successful at turning me into a companion, fitting for a reptilian fallen angel, who must have taken up some of his abode beneath the sea. As Celeste, I was the mermaid hybrid. I had fallen asleep inside his personalised fantasy, created by him, for me. I could not wake up from this dream.
The Dragon As Revealed By The Holy Spirit

Once The Dragon Was Revealed In His True Form, I Never Thought About Him, In The Same Way Again.
The first time that this image was shown to me, was by The Holy Spirit in 2013, while I lived at Eva Valley, almost four years after I was saved from The Dragon by Jesus Christ. The Dragon was shown as some kind of ocean dwelling creature, such as a leviathan. I am shown as being fully human, as one that had gone into captivity or bondage to The Dragon. The Holy Spirit revealed the true nature of the situation between The Dragon and myself, as a human woman in relationship to him. In this painting, The Holy Spirit showed me that I was naked and vulnerable and that The Dragon, while he influenced and held me captive, was still, himself, bound to an environment, where he was ... beneath my feet. Therefore, I am more than 'The Woman On The Edge Of The Sea.' Viewing this image, under spiritual intervention by The Holy Spirit, was the first time, that I was made consciously aware of who The Dragon actually was and myself in relationship to him. This was to be a major breakthrough, in the way that I perceived The Dragon from then on, not as a new age angel of light and love, but as he was in his true form, as a serpent, a reptile and a creature, fallen into the depths of evil, far from the grace of God, a being in the spirit, who hated God and everything that God had created in His own image.
My Victory Through Christ ...
Now I understood why one of the selves would have a mouth full of dirt [dust], that she would choke on, that The Dragon had refered to a 'coffin dirt." The Dragon had always hated me. It perfectly natural for him to do so. This 'coffin dirt' was, in reality, the dust that he had to eat, as a result of his and my ancestors actions against God, thousands of years before my birth. The earth was his coffin. From this moment on, whenever The Dragon attempted to seduce or deceive me, I was able to think of this image, to see him in his true form. This would simply not have been possible, but through the ongoing guidance of The Holy Spirit, The Comforter, whom Jesus had promised to send his people, when he left this world [our dimension], three days after his crucifixion. "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." [John 14:18, The Holy Bible, KJV] and "But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:" [John 15:26, The Holy Bible, KJV]. I was amazed.

My Circumstances Were A Consequence, Of Things Having Occurred, Thousands Of Years Before My Birth. |