Mornings In The Stone Cottage Were Warm And Peaceful With Animals Close By And The Kettle Blowing Steam.
Mornings in the small stone cottage were warm and peaceful. The large coffee stones, embedded in solid concrete, screened out the heat during the day and kept in the warmth at night. The kettle blew its steam and Banjo, Pushkin and Princess were close by. While I was out here alone, I did not feel alone, but instead, as if I had come home to rest. I was simply astounded that the truth had been revealed to me. While part of me, was still wanting to continue the journey, in knowledge seeking, as I had when involved in the new age and the occult, a greater part of me, felt as if I had come home, to rest and that in many regards, the journey, or at least the journey that I had been on, was finally over. There was a degree of grief, regarding this finalisation of my old life, or my old way of thinking. While I was now in my late forties, I hadn't expected the journey of knowledge seeking, to end so abruptly. [Update 2017: The Dragon had kept me very busy on many uncompleted projects and so I had left many loose ends behind, like steppng out of a tangled ball of threads, that had slowly become shackles and not feeling quiet at ease, with the lightness of my walk and the chains of revealed lies, having fallen around my ankles.]
I wondered if the excitment and restlessness, that was now replaced by a sense peace, was something I would grow used to, since I was not used to feeling peaceful, in such a way, that I was now feeling it. One would have thought, that in such a paradigm shift, that I would have many questions, but like my testimony, they were slow to emerge. I was mainly preoccupied in reading as many books on "demons" as I could get my hands on, in order to understand what they were and to find out, how to keep them out of my life. Aside from that, I read the The Bible, morning and evening, the beginning of 'The Old Testament', 'Psalms', 'The New Testament' and Paul's Epistles. I was always amazed and delighted to find, that I was already familiar with the literature, even though I had never read it before, I knew it. But this familiarity did not entail boredom, because each time I read The Bible, I found it to be both personally and supernaturally thrilling, in new and unexpected ways. It was as if God, Himself, was speaking directly to me, through the words in the verses, with spiritual wisdom, that applied directly to my life, having already been written, in my mind and heart, long before I had ever been blessed, with opening the pages, of this blessed book. But it wasn't too long, before God was to speak to me, Himself.
This is how it happened. ... I was walking through the tiny kitchen, towards the fireplace and was pondering God's ability, to understand us, in the physical world, in particular, the awful suffering, of the physical world, since He was of the spirit ...

... Therefore, how would He know, ... how could He ever know, what it was like to be us? ... suffering in the physical ... and everything that we, as humans, had gone through? ... But before these doubting thoughts, could gain momentum, a loud and quietly internal thunderous voice, cut straight through my thinking process. It said:


A split second after, I was looking up from my position on the ground, towards the ceiling and beyond, as if upon the cross of Jesus Christ himself, that hung suspended, in the air above me, then I was lifted from the ground, somehow, within my own mind, but also, as if out of my own body, so that I was there, positioned by Him up on the cross, towards the ceiling of the stone cottage, now looking down. I had not left my body. I was not looking down at myself, standing there, looking up. It was powerfully subtle and occurred so quickly, as to give me, no choice in the matter.

It was as if something had been done to my mind, to my thinking, to my limited experience of reality, in order to affect my consciousness in some way, so that I could be in two positions, in time and space, close to simultaneously. One was looking up at the cross and the other was looking down from the cross, while all along, I was still standing inside my own body. Yet when I was on the cross, or looking to the cross, I was not aware of being in my body, or seeing with my eyes.
But at the time, I did not consider such things. Instead, I was simply shocked, that God had known what I was thinking! Then, I was thinking more, about the meaning behind what He had said about suffering. It appeared to me, that He was both on the cross [with Jesus], looking down and observing the cross [beneath Jesus], while looking up, at the same time and that He suffered in both positions. But more than that, there was a stern rebuke, in the tone of His authorative voice, in that He did not like me seperating myself from Him, by doubting His abilities in my mind and perhaps, even in placing Him in a bad light in my own mind, by my assumption of ...

how would He know? This is what had provoked him. I was simply stunned, by what had happened and was to spend some time, trying to figure it out. At the time, the only conclusion I would come to, was that God suffered and that He knew what it was like to suffer, in the spirit and in the flesh and that He suffered when Jesus had died, by observing him on the cross and in by being of the same spirit as Jesus, while he was on the cross. God had suffered in a way that could not be fathomed, over the crucifixion of His beloved Son, at the sinful and evil hands of the world. God wanted me to understand, that through His suffering, He was to know and understanding all physical suffering. He did not want to be misrepresented, or for me to make our suffering not known by him, with my thinking, because it created a wall, inbetween myself and Him, that should only be placed, between myself and Satan. God knew all things, experienced all suffering. He was able to do all things and to be in all places, at the same time. For some reason, it was important to Him, that this fact be known.

I Found It Necessary, Completely Necessary, To Read The Bible, At Least Twice A Day, Morning And Evening.