God Almighty, Still Obviously Had A Lot To Learn, [From Coral Hull], When It Came To Running The Universe.
Once I had unpacked at Eva Valley and felt a little more 'settled in' and I had started to read The Bible again, some questions began to rise up inside me. On one occasion, I was trying to understand the way that heaven was set up and I asked telepathically, So, ... the Kingdom of Heaven sits in the middle, right ... and like, every different religion enters under their own banner ... the Muslims under Mohamad, The Buddhists under Budda and so, like, ... I was going in under the Jesus banner ..."

One Way Or Many Ways? God's Way Or My Way? Questions Brought Into The Light In Order To Be Answered.
The holy angel of God was swift in his response. He replied, No. There is only one way to the kingdom of Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ.My ebrows went up.

After Only Four Months, I Did Not Know The Bible Well Enough, In Order To Break Through All The Lies.
Right, I smiled. While I loved Jesus and knew that I belonged to him and that I would always be under his 'banner', I didn't think that there was only one way into Heaven. I responded telepathically, ...Yeah, well okay, but that's not the way, that I'd do it.
The holy angel of God, appeared to respond instantly, with words to the affect of:
... That is why, you are, who you are ... and God is, who God is ...
What?!... My mouth instantly dropped, as I my cheeks began to flush with emotion. Of course, I wasn't God. lol. After which, I didn't say a word more and neither did God's holy angel. He just let me sit with my own feelings, of embarrassment and to ponder further, over what he had said. It is difficult to explain the situation in just a few words.
I dared not speak back to him after that. It was a combination of the kind, but firm, telepathic rebuke, the intelligence, authority and holiness of God's angel that hit me. |
I just stood there shaking my head, at how stupid I was, before these holy angels of God and that it took an angel to remind me, that that was indeed why, God was who He was and I was, who I was. It had been such a kind and understanding way, to open my eyes and to swiftly and firmly put me, in my rightful place, before a holy God. Later, I was to find the corresponding verse in The Bible and to consider these words:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.” [Isaiah 55:8, The Holy Bible, KJV].
It sent shivers down my spine and a surge of love and respect, for my Father washed through me, a mere sugar ant in his presence. God was not interested in my opinion, having come straight out of the new age and the occult. Furthermore, God did not want my advice, on how to run the universe. He required my respect and obedience.
It was also to slowly dawn upon me, that God, wasn't going to do, exactly what I wanted him to do and furthermore, that he did not intend to run the world, in the way that I wanted Him to run it. I must have felt, somewhere inside, like I was an expert on this, particularly since I had been involved in arts and ethics and had attempted, along with many other people, to 'save the world', for most of my life. In fact I had begun to save the world, the moment that I had found out, that there was sufferng and that God was not going to do, exactly as I wanted him to and when I wanted him to do it, in order to end that suffering.
One of the very first things, that I was to learn, was that God was always right and that I was always wrong. There was never a time, when God was wrong and I was right. It was an impossibility. I was to say this out loud, often, in order to remind myself and because it was the truth. "God is always right and I am always wrong." God always had the last word, through The Holy Bible, because he was infinite.
Delighted with my new 'relationship' with the living God, every so often, a young multiple self would come forward and exclaim, "He can split the planet in half by thinking about it!" This would occur throughout the day and eventually wore off, after a period of months, after having been said to many people, most of whom were not Christian, who had no interest in God and no idea, of what I was talking about.
Strange 'Christian' Terminology

"Good understanding giveth favour: but the way of transgressors is hard. [Proverbs 13:15, The Holy Bible, KJV].
It was around this time, that I telepathically asked, about what my role was, in God's Kingdom. It was a holy angel of God that answered me. He said that I was, one of "the elect". Really, I thought, feeling immediately uncomfortable with the implied specialness. As it turned out it simply meant that I was a Christian, which made the terminology acceptable to me. I also tried to ask or seek an explaination, for the weirdness of my life, in particular other people's treatment and often outright hatred of me, that appeared to occur on a regular basis, for no apparent reason ... I had assumed that it was due to many things, my ethics, my stance on animal rights, my working classs background, my autism ... but the holy angel of God told me, that it was called "persecution". What?!, I thought, But I had never felt persecuted ... In fact, I had spent most of the time, in a dazed bewilderment, regarding other people.
In so far, as my own life was concerned, the holy angel of God, told me, that I had experienced what was called a major transgression. I had no idea what these words refered to, when I was told them, but I was quick to either look them up on the internet, in regards to their Biblical context, or if I failed to do that, God was quick to bring me to them, in my daily and reading of His Word. I felt a bit ripped off, that I had experienced a trangression. In otherwords, I had been a Christian all along, but had simply gone down the wrong path. This explained, alot of things. I was amazed.
I thought, it would have been good, if someone had actually told me, that I was a Christian! And that even, in so far, as I had wandered away from God, I was still one of His, which explained how and why God's holy angels, under the commandment of Jesus, had come to collect me in 2009, before I even knew, what was going on ... This simply amazed and delighted me on levels too deep to describe. Unbeknowns to me, I was a Christian, who was perishing through a lack of knowledge. [Update 2017: I felt that all the knowledge, that The Dragon had given to me, had amounted to nothing and that I had to start all over again. But God was able to use everything.]

"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." [John 10:28, The Holy Bible, KJV].
Later on, I was told that I was one of the remnant, not through The Bible, this time, but after I had listened to a David Wilkerson sermon on YouTube. For as well as reading The Bible, I listened to sermons around the clock, often while I worked and /or fell asleep to them at night. I first found these 'men of God' on a data base, called Sermon Index and later on YouTube. During my first few months at Eva Valley, I learnt alot from many different preachers, but it was the ones that stood by by God's Word and who regularly quoted The Bible, as it is written, whom God chose to use the most, that being, those men who were the most faithful to His Word, were the most valuable, during the early days of my acceptance, of Jesus Christ, as my personal Lord and Saviour. The sermons would nearly always synchronistically correspond, with any issues that I was having, just like The Bible verses, I read that day always did, often describing what I was thinking and doing, down to the minutest detail. It all appeared to be perfectly timed. Then God was to have another word, for me, when I found myself thinking back, upon how I had been supernaturally attacked and then apologising, for my trangression, when His holy angel, said to me telepathically, Your punishment would have been a lot worse, if you had known what you were doing. ... Punishment?! No, I smiled. God doesn't punish anybody ...

There Are Many Kinds Of Christians. I Was A "My People Perish, Through A Lack Of Knowledge" Christian. |