Coral Hull: Testimony: Mackenzie Knight: Salvation: My First Few Days In Eva Valley, Australia [1]

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At the time I was writing this, I had only been Christian for a few months. I wrote the following in my journal in 2010: "Mackenzie [aka The Dragon & Co.], had threatened that an army of demons, would be sent from Edinburgh to kill me, before I got to Batchelor, or once I was there. Once living out at Eva Valley, it was by accident, that I took this photo. I was intending to go outside and take photos of the position of a star, I had been mesmerised into focusing on, while under demonic influence. Then I took this photo and was suprised to see, that there was a large ball of light, floating around outside. For a second, I thought, Is the large one an angel? But no. God's holy angels, don't float around in the dark, as coloured balls. They are far more powerful than that. Orbs hung around cemetaries. These were demonic spirits, in orb form, just like they were in Greyfriars Kirkyard and The South Bridge Vaults, in Edinburgh.

I turned took a quick photo to my right and some of the demonic spirit orbs, had formed themselves, into the shape of the southern cross constellation. They were letting me know that, they knew who I was. Some of them, appeared to actually be from the northern hemisphere and several I recognised, from Greyfriars Kirkyard, in Edinburgh. But others I didn't recognise. They refered to themselves as 'celtic angels'.

Demonic spirits hanging around the front gate. While they were all over the property, they were particularly intense, around the entrance to the stone cottage, that I lived in. They followed me, like crept up behind me. Then they would come up right over the top of my head and kind of seem, like they were pouring down onto me. I found this term online: 'wandering demonic army'. So I wondered how long they had been with me and if some were also associated, with demonic 'nature' spirits, in the area.

The air is thick with demonic spirits. They were just floating there looking at me. I do not know anything much about them, or why they manifest this way. But I do know that they are conscious intelligent beings. I know where they are, because I can sense them there. They also affected electricals, such as computer and lighting. They affected my thinking, by inserting unwanted thoughts and images into my mind. They can hypnotise animals and have affected my dogs. They can also enter into and manipulate dreams. That's a few of the things that they do. I believe that they work together and they also have a boss, that they work under, in some kind of heirarchy.

Often, they would appear to position themselves, at various points, as if to attempt to intimidate, or to be noticed by me. They can suddenly create a very creepy feeling in an area. They also affected my central nervous system, such as making muscles twitch on my eye and face. At one point, my eye was twitching and I picked up my camera and pointed it at the ceiling inside the stone cottage and there was a small white orb, floating above my head, where I was sitting, at my computer. They probably do alot more, but these are clearly the things, that were being done to me.

Sometimes they avoided the camera, by quickly moving out of the way. I also noticed that the same demonic spirits [colour/ form], would appear on consecutive nights.

I said The Lord's Prayer and Psalm 91 and this either has them fading, scattering or leaving altogether. I saw faded orbs, because even if they are not turning up in the photos, they were still there and can be very light in colour, as in barely being visible. I notice they affect people in the area, outbursts of rage from surrounding properties and a suicide down the road, where a property owner, in a wheel chair, put a gun to his head, after his house burnt down. I believe that these demonic spirits were involved. They also show up in local indigenous aboriginal communities in the area. I was told there is a huge infestation on Buyers Road, by an indigenous aboriginal ranger. He said that he had alot of photos of them and that there were hundreds and that they thought that they were ancestral spirits. He noted that when the 'orbs' were in the area, there were alot more problems, such as excessive alcohol consumption and outbreaks of violence, amongst the people. He had also taken photos of a large black mist, that accompanied the orbs and that seemed to have many faces. I remarked, 'yeah mate, that's their boss!' He gave me his contact details, but they disappeared, reappeared and then disappeared again, for good.

Several week later, when I was driving past Buyers Road, on the way to Darwin, along the Stuart Highway, a larger [higher level] demon, suddenly gripped my chest muscles, around my heart and started to squeeze and it felt as if I was having a heart attack. I cried out to Jesus, to stop him from doing it and after a brief delay, it stopped. While it was happening, a warning from him, came into my mind, that I better not get any ideas, about interfering with the spirits, down on Buyers Road.

Demonic spirits manifesting in this world from another dimension, refered to by mediums as "the spirit world" and by Christians as "the second heaven". My belief is that they gain strength, by working in large numbers and that they are energy vampires of some kind. The Dragon sent an email, where he described what God has done for me as "revived the milked cow." I believe that out of the demons, there are the weaker variety. They are not ancestral spirits. They are not human. These ones, appeared to be cascading down, outside the entrance, to the small stone cottage.

When I got back inside, they manipulated my computer, so that a pop up add, was placed in my right margin, representing them. It featured many demons in human form, with glaring eyes and the quote, "16 Million players want to play with you. Adventure Quest Worlds." One of the cartoon figures, had a crescent moon on their forehead, that I used to draw on my own forehead, before I was saved, in late 2009.

As Raven, the northern hemisphere shamanic self, I had intended to have this half moon symbol, tattooed onto my forehead. However, other emerging and retreating selves, within the system [aka The Voyager System], overode the decision, or came into consciousness, so that the shaman became unconscious, semi conscious or retreated within, before it could happen, as each self within the multiple system, naturally struggled, for their own autonomy and control over the physical body.

Sixteen million? Well, I think that may be a slight exaggeration. Looked more like several hundred to me. Whatever the case, I knew that they were not too happy.

Next, a bear came up, inside another representation of the southern cross. I knew that one of the demons, that was hanging around outside, was called 'Bear' and/ or refered to himself as a bear. Another refered to himself as a fox. But I was not interested in any communication and so, I did not enquire any further, as to why they kept inserting these images into my life, via manipulation and/ or synchronicity.

Once inside, I began to watch a testimony, were a Christian man was led by God, to where he received a glimpse of Hell. The words suddenly came up on the screen, that appeared to describe the demonic orb spirits outside. I do not know whether it was my ministering angel, The Holy Spirit, or the demons themselves, who delivered this synchronicity electronically. It is still too difficult for me to be able to discern.

Most of the orb spirits were photographed in 2010. In 2011, I noticed that the majority had either left, or were no longer visible. This corresponded with a decrease in interferance with electricals, plus mind states and was prompted by an increase in prayer and closeness to Jesus Christ. On one occasion, I was outside with my camera, when I suddenly felt a feeling of 'holiness'. It felt like The Holy Spirit, but it was more like a pleasant, or 'high' feeling. I raised my right hand and snapped a photo and there was a demonic spirit, in the shape of a white orb, with fuzzy edges.

When enlarged, I can see a kind of animal or 'dragon face', appearing inside it. Apparently, orbs are often filled with faces and scenes. I am not sure of anything, about demonic spirits in this form, aside from what I have experienced and observed myself. I do note, however, that they are not harmless and nor are they hospitable, towards human beings. Secondly, they would appear to be on the increase, like an infestation that has adverse negative affects, on the body and mind. They couldn't seem to care less, about whether they are seen or not, as with the other demons, I became involved with, my position in Jesus Christ, as a born again Christian, was the only thing, that seemed to lessen their appearance in and affect on, my life.

A Final Note

[Update 29/07/11: In the early hours of the morning, I got up to start working in this section. When I went back to bed, I was attacked by demons, as soon as I closed my eyes. I ignored it. Then I was attacked in my dreams. I cried out to Jesus and focused on Jesus and they went away. They are NOT HAPPY about this going online. The attack was aggressive and instantaneous. As I was typing, the adversary jammed the backspace button and deleted all the information of the screen. There seemed no way of retrieving it. I cried out, "No no no! Help me God!" Then I saw a button saying, 'Reload all modified documents.' I didn't know what it would do, but I hit the button and all of my information was immediately returned, to its original state and saved in this one file, since i have multiple files opened. I don't know how I found the button, since I have been unable to find it again. It suddenly just appeared, in front of me, on the screen. As for the demonic spirits in orb form, they would be hanging around now, watching me type this onto my pc screen. I am not interested, in making any further study of them and I do not attempt to communicate with them, because they have super human abilities, that include affecting my consciousness both while awake and during my dreams, as well as possessing locals, in order to relay messages from them. What I am focused on, is keeping my mind in God with guidance from The Holy Spirit and the teachings of Jesus Christ, Paul and the prophets in The Holy Bible. This leads to eternal life. Anything less, leads to deception and death.}

Demon Voices EVP - Disembodied Voices by almightycatman on YouTube

This website is part of my personal testimony and has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name.

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