Without meaning to, sometimes, I was to make some very silly mistakes in my Christian walk, with some being more serious than others and ended up suffering immediate negative results. This was one of my more foolish mistakes. I was talking on the phone with Trevor, who was still meant to be representing me, in my court case, to retrieve the cows and my horse Cody from Pam Ahern of Edgar's Mission and her friends, who were now mistreating them, while still refusing to give them back. Trevor was taking an awfully long time, in order to do anything and much of our time, over the phone, was taken up, with me defeding Jewish people and his obssession with a novel, that he was in the process of completing, titled; The Holocaust Denier, which was basically a fictionised autobiography. On this occasion, I was giving him my testimony and the incident with Mackenzie, that had me running to Jesus, as fast as I could. ... I would have loved to have seen Trevor get saved.

While I was in the process, of describing the night, where the demon, 'Mackenzie Knight', had attacked me in my bed, I again mentioned, that the demon, 'Mackenzie' had a small penis, like a cat or a bat, but it was said with a smile, a bit of an eye roll and in what could have been considered, a slightly condescending tone. Now it wasn't the fact, that I had told Trevor about that detail, but it was the way, in which I had said it and the silliness or immaturity behind it, that must have provoked God to anger, because there was a swift rebuke, in the form of a tirade of crude sexually explicit email spam, refering to the subject matter, about which I had been talking and in the unmistakable tone of The Dragon, who was now obviously making the most, of being granted access, in order to be able to make contact with me, again. Many of the phrases and terminology, were entirely beyond my way of thinking and I was dismayed and disturbed, by the crude, accusing and malicious tone of them.


The Dragon did not appear to be very happy, in regards to the termination of our relationship and my choosing to go with Jesus Christ over him. He made brief contact with me with an external sign, over the internet and the words, I LOVE YOU. YOU CUNT. There was no remorse shown, for the way, in which he had deliberately deceived me, since early infancy. It was all about him and his loss of his pet doll, his mind controlled puppet, his trophy. He desired my destruction in body and spirit.

Bad things began to happen, whenever Jesus and God, were far from my mind, or when I lost my focus on God's Word. My thoughts, were obviously important, to God.

The Dragon dared me to attempt to try and make money, with the insinuation or threat, that he was going to stop me from doing so, attacking me with poverty.

I had made another foolish mistake, in my flippant talk with Trevor, over the phone. Now I was now suddenly being bombarded with emails, of a crude and sexuality explicit nature. It was as though my conversation, had some how given The Dragon permission, to have access to me, once again. I knew that I had done the wrong thing. I repented and prayed for it to stop and after awhile it did. Needless to say, I have never made casual small talk, of this nature again. The emails, however, continued on for some time. |
Singer And Actress Emmy Rossum In The Phantom Of The Opera.

The Dragon had slandered me, by sying that I was only 'loving', as in having a 'kind heart', when I took prescription pills, related to helping me function, with autism.

[Update 2017: When the demon "Mackenzie Knight", landed on my back in 2009, he felt a bit like a man, a cat and a bat. In those ten seconds in which the assault took place, I was permitted [by God] to feel him and he felt very very old [ancient] like a mummy in a museum, he was thousands of years old, but still living and he felt like a CREATURE. He felt like nothing, that I had ever known. Nothing on this earth, yet he was as real as I was and he had the ability to hurt me. He was full of ancient malice.


The Dragon accused me of having canned 'tuna' and later cow's milk, on the property, when I was meant to be a vegan. When I first went to the property, I had purchased some cans of tuna, to feed the two cats. The Dragon had then refered to the stone cottage, that I was living in, as a "TUNA HIDEOUT." In over twenty years of veganism, I had never done something like this before. It was impossible to avoid his onslaught of accusations. The harder I tried to be good, he would always find something new, in order to show me how bad, or how hypocritical I was, or how much like him, I was.

[Update 2017: In 2011, I acquired a black puppy, whose name was Sox and a tan puppy named Joey, from the Hampton household in Batchelor. Sox and Joey were gifts from God, having come out of a bad situation, where they would have died, thus to rescue these puppies, appeared to be humane. I do not understand how The Dragon, would know about this acquisition, long before it had occurred, only that sometimes, in the emails that he sent, he was able to add the wrong date. So this email, may have actually been sent, after I had already acquired Sox and Joey.]

When I Read The Dragon'ds Emails, I Was Not Reding Them With My Mind. I Was Reading Them With His Mind. |