When The Dragon sent this, his telepathy, was a desirous whisper, ... soft shy, are you? When said my him and him only, this triggered the self of Sophie [Persephone], his sacrifical self ... the one who was helplessly bound to him, loving her destroyer, created for compliance and ownership, the one who was to accompany him to Hell.
He could still have an affect on me and I didn't understand why ... The emails were the tip of the iceberg. It was his consciousness that was bearing down on me, that I felt helpless to fight against and so, I remained passive and miserable, so long as God allowed him, to have this kind of contact with me. [Update 2017: I had not learnt about the MK Ultra mind control as yet and was still unaware, that my multiplicity had been created by The Dragon, who then pulled the strings, on the various puppets within me]. I didn't know how to divorce myself from my handler. While I was still under his dominion, The Dragon still tried to claim 'legal ownership rights' over me.

The Dragon was using Biblical terms, such as carnal, god, powers, devil and Nimrod.

The Dragon accused me of being ego slime. This was in regards to his utter disdain, concerning the egos and intelligence of human beings, which he had refered to as 'apes', as in 'the planet of the apes', or as 'dumb and dangerous' and also in reference to the theory of evolution, in that we all came from slime. He hated human beings.

The Dragon was leaving me these 'little notes', where I would find, or see them. One with the word 'Sun' on it, was found inside an old picture frame, when I opened it up. [Update 2017: At the time, this small and insignificant acts accompanied by a large consciousness, had the affect of turning my focus away from God's Word. In still being fairly knew to 'Christianity', I was still not wearing the full armour of God like God's Word tells us to. Father was allowing The Dragon to do this, in order to test my faith in Him and by doing so, He was pointing out my strengths and weaknesses as a follower of His son, Jesus. Father did not want me to be afraid or overpowered by small supernatural things, done by The Dragon, but instead, to be afraid of Him].
Another note, with the words 'Hello Coral', was found on the floor by the book shelf. This was odd, because he rarely called me, by the birth name, that my mother gave me, even though that name, had been his idea. He was only teleporting these notes to the cottage, to prove that he could still do it and as a sign of dominance/ control.
While I didn't pray, Father knew my dismay over these incidents and so he was not allowed to do it again. However, he did do alot of other things, in order to maintain contact, especially whenever I drove into Darwin, where he appeared to be 'residing'.
This demonic oppression, was like small shocks to the spirit, similar to that caused by static electricity. But they were short lived. After they occurred, I mostly forgot about them. There was too much going on around me, on the property, to keep me focused on them for long. This was another Hello Coral note, found amongst my bills.

The Dragon was extremely sardonic. I made sure, that I did not respond to any of his emails, in hopes that it would be made to stop. I did the right thing by ignoring him.

The Dragon refered to me as his little Eva [Eve]. I was now living in Eva Valley. This note was a reference to the beach back in Darwin. He wanted me to go down to the beach to meet him and the others. I am assuming that a number of UFOs would have turned up, as in fallen angels, in their plasma ball/ light orb form. I didn't do it. Here he is saying that he is with others and that there is some kind of maintainance going on. The Dragon had also lead me to the tag [below], with the word/ name 'Eva' on it.

One day, without giving it a thought, I had worn a very short dress, out on the property. This just goes to show, that even when alone, a Christian woman, or any woman for that matter, should dress modestly, because ... someone is always watching, either in the flesh, or, in the spirit. Scarlett is the name, of one of the adolescent multiple selves, created/ programmed into the system, by The Dragon.

Question: So who really landed on my back, while I was laying on my bed at Progress Drive, back in 2009? Was it The Dragon or was it Mackenzie, the 'demon knight' from Edinburgh? Answer: Even though it was The Dragon, who had responded to my words, over the phone, I feel that the assault, was still made by the demon 'Mackenzie Knight'.'Mackenzie' was spontaneous and animalistic, in his approach and came across as being both malicious, impulsive, murderous, deranged and violent. The Dragon had his outbursts, but they were more subdued and had an impact on me. He appeared to be able to, lack the ability to forgive someone for their mistakes, which is why I was always trying to be so very careful around him, so desiring on some level, of his approval. The Dragon was watchful, intelligent, creative, calculating and malicious, but he was unlike Mackenzie, in that he was more controlled, intellectual, arrogant and superior. When he had those emails sent, he was belittling my ability to lower myself, to the level of a 'carnal' human being, who was without The Holy Spirit.
Behind these emails, I could sense a disappointment in him,that what I desired from contact with a creation [a god] such as him, was based on lust [carnality], when he offered me things, of a more sublime nature. The fact is, that in making a spiritual connection, with Jesus as a child and being in raised and programmed by The Dragon, after rejecting God, that I was not very 'carnal' at all. Any 'carnality' had to be forced upon me, by him and was largely based on mind control. I did not like these emails. They shocked and dismayed me. I did not like them 'the mind' behind them, invading my psychic space. I was still disappointed, that he could think like that. But I know, that in hindsight, at least with me, it always felt, as if he was holding back, so as not to frighten me off, for in the dark forests of the multiple psyche, there were many shy and timid child selves, who were easily frightened and prone to take flight.
There was a murderous intent, behind these emails, that I did not like. I had never related to the sudden pornographic outbursts of The Dragon and they came across more like slander, that had very little affect on me, aside from confusing me, as to why such an intelligence, could suddenly turn petty and crude. As soon as I heard the voice of Jesus, through God's Word [The Holy Bible], it broke through into my heart. It was quickly over, for the fallen cherubim and his playing a god-like role, in my life.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." [John 10:27-28, The Holy Bible, KJV]. |