(Frodo's terrible sense of burden regarding the ring of power)

"I wish the ring had never come to me. I wish none of this had happened." - Frodo Baggins (Walsh & Boyens)
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The sign rocks at The Prancing Pony.
The wind comes from the south.
The white horse gallops to far away
where direction is unaccounted for.
Strider, your eyes are burning coals
that lit the miles of the Greenway,
along streets that loom with war.
You have arrived in this last hour.
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You take us through the wilds.
But the world has changed ...
There is a weakness in my heart.
I will follow your secret paths.
But do not follow me, Aragorn.
The ring of burden is around my neck.
What we thought had been destroyed,
has returned and remained within us.
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Aragorn, I am invisible. It's deją vu.
I have been wounded at Amon Sul.
I will carry this injury for the rest of my days.
It's pure amnesia. Now you are invisible too.
There is an eye -
that never sleeps!
It seeks - me out!
The eye sees all -
I am its Master!
The eye sees you!
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Our worlds have collided
and departed ...
There is no further sign.
... I am in that land.
Will you be there
on the other side
when I return,
Aragorn? |

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Will you hold my hands
by the passing of the Argonath
at Amon Hen by the Ethir Anduin,
as they close in on the ring,
as it closes in upon me?
Will you pledge your life to this fate?
Who will save you from yourself?
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For my blue eyes have changed
for the sky has grown dark in them
for my blue eyes have sorrow
for the earth has turned to tears
for the river has grown dark in them
for my blue eyes have changed.
Sometimes we must fight
but I fear I cannot,
for it is simply not in me to be cruel.
I wear the ring of power.
I hide within a cloak of invisibility.
You can not follow me,
but will you be there when I return?
It was by the light that I swallowed darkness.
It was by the eye - that never sleeps
and it was by the grace of God
that I swallowed it and it swallowed me.
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------ Now you are gone.
I have passed into the land of shadows.
------- I am in that land.
where none can follow.
I am on annihilation row.
The gates are opening ...
There is nowhere to hide
by the dark of the tower.
I am passed into that land
This is my evil hour.
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Is this all I am? My darkness? My Ring Wraiths?
My Smeagol? My One King? The Ring?
I must keep it hidden. Oh, the fall of Hobbiton!
We were
so young
when our
wide eyes
first tasted
the dark.
We were
so young
You will guide us all to Amon Hen
to where the orcs taste man-flesh,
by the tree of sorrows and arrows,
to where they've taken the little ones.
You will pledge your allegiance.
You will follow me to the end.
But can you save me from yourself?
And will you be there when I return?
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Just like a ghost I died beside you.
Just like death I dreamt invincible.
Just like the fear I lived inside you.
Just like grace,
the tear of Arwen was
upon my cheek
at the Ford of Bruin
as my blue eyes passed
into the shadow.
I never wanted any of this.
The moment I received
the gift -
I was never myself.
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My invisible heart.
It's damaged cloak.
I wear a ring of power briefly.
I will not waver, but it is in me.
It is in us all.
The moment we were damaged gods
just like god is damaged, the moment
the broken forests, the broken lands,
the moment of the mists that spoke,
this world damaged by damaged gods.
Will you be there when I return, Aragorn? |

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I passed into the land of shadows
by the Nagual blade at Amon Sul.
You fought the greed of kings.
You are a hero, my true friend.
How will you protect me from yourself?
How must I shield you from this doom?
Are your tears upon my shadows, Arwen?
Even at the breaking of the world?
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Even as the damaged oceans rise and open up?
Have all the elves now vanished beyond them,
just like their songs trailed through the forest?
Has every silver golden leaf departed with them?
Is every snow lit Elanor and Niphredil bloom
... no more upon your earth at Cerin Amroth?
It is said,
your tenderness has soothed the darkest wood.
The Mallhorn leaves fall where your hair has blown.
The silence is where the spring has not yet come.
The wind is empty. There is no story.
How must I be this light you speak of?
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Arwen, your tears by the grace of God,
fell onto my open wound and I was saved
from that land.
Arwen, where your light
walks - Arwen, where your words shine,
Arwen where your eyes sing. Arwen,
where your heart speaks.
There is a light too bright for pain.
If only I had known, of the ring that rests
inside my heart ...
If only I had known how to hold it there,
without fear
in the light too bright for pain. |

"I would have gone with you to the end, into the very fires of Mordor." - Aragorn Elessar "I know ..." - Frodo Baggins (Walsh and Boyens) |

This website is part of my personal testimony that has been guided by The Holy Spirit and written in Jesus' name. |